- literature of divinity place 神祉文化
- There is an aura of divinity about him. 他有一股神圣不可侵犯的气息。
- The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。
- I am a droplet in the ocean of divinity. 我是神性的海洋中的一滴水。
- Will we get the Leaf or an Eye of Divinity. 这次是出叶子,还是神圣之眼?
- He posted himself up in the literature of the day. 他了解当代文学动向。
- It has the features of divinity, human-analogy, and sociality. 自然美具有神性、类人性和社会性。
- I spent a few days sampling the literature of social science. 我花了几天时间浏览有关社会科学的文献。
- It is generally believed that Confucius preserved the literature of China for later times. 一般人都相信孔子为后世保存了中国的文学作品。
- The literature of a period reflect its value and taste. 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。
- Does the literature of a nation reflect its politics ? 一个国家的文学反映出它的政治吗?
- He steeped himself in the literature of ancient greece and rome. 他精通古希腊和古罗马文学。
- Lu Shi Chun Qiu is the most important historical literature of Qin. 吕氏春秋是秦国最重要的一本历史文献,它的编撰者就是吕不韦。
- Education: Should have Master of Divinity degree (or equivalent)? 44教育程度:需要有道学硕士(或同等)?
- Does the literature of a nation reflect its politics? 一个国家的文学反映出它的政治吗?
- A manifestation of divine will or truth. 启示,默示神意或神的真义的显现。
- Spiritual nourishment of divine origin. 来源于神的精神食粮。
- Without entering into an abstruse point of divinity, one thing is plain. 且不谈深奥的教义,有一点是明明白白的。
- This is the sale literature of our latest model computer. 这是我方最新型电脑的销售说明书。