- A Historical Survey of the Literati Painting: Li Jia or Hang Jia? 文人画:戾家抑或行家?
- I think the modern Chinese painting is the tradition of literati painting, and it should be a main current. 艺术发展到近现代,它应该还是一种人文精神的载体。
- Dong Qi-chang, a painter, calligrapher and theorist of Ming Dynasty, put forward that it was Wang Wei in Tang Dynasty who begun literati painting. 摘要明代书画家、理论家董其昌曾提出文人画肇始于唐代王维的观点。
- Therefore, this reconstruction is an adjustment of the denotation and object of literati painting philosophy, with a great practical guidance meaning. 因而,这种重构是对文人画理念外延的调整,是对文人画理念的对象化,是对文人画史的重组,具有极强的实践指导性。
- From Chinese literati painting to Japanese Yamato-e, from romanticism to Dadaism, different forms of art serve as the instrumentality to educate the public. 从中国的文人画到日本的浮世绘,从浪漫主义到达达,艺术的不同表现方式被看作是一种向公众进行观念教育的媒介。
- This is, of course, and literati paintings unique Jiqing function. 这固然和文人画特有的寄情功能有关。
- Song revealed trace the history of this painting is a remarkable piece of the natural landscape, the rise of literati painting and describe integration and performance of the opposition. 由此宋代绘画所显现的历史痕迹,是自然山水的卓然而立、文人画的兴起和抒写与表现的对立融合。
- Elucidating "Zaohua" cannot only help people handle and analyze the concept of Chinese traditional literati painting, but may also help people realize and explore the source of its development. 对它的释读,不仅是对中国传统文人画观念的一种把握和分析,并可于其中去把握了解文人画的发展因由。
- A Fresh Look at the Literati Painting 再议文人画
- The Chinese traditional literati paintings always use this method, which benefits from the precocity of the aesthetics of calligraphy. 中国传统文人画多用此法,这得益于书法美学的早熟,古代文献多有记载。
- This thesis endeavors to demonstrate a comm on psychology through analysis of his political affairs and paintings, and to sh ow the views of personality hiding in literati painting of Late Ming Dynasty. 本文力图通过对其事迹、迹的梳理,揭示其两方面行为共同的心理机制,并以此展现晚明文人画所蕴藏的某种人格景观。
- And the emergence of literati paintings and its application in the development of future generations, has greatly enriched the creative concept of Chinese painting methods and performance. 而文人画的出现及其在后世的发展,极大地丰富了中国画的创作观念和表现方法。
- A few scholars took notice of the connection between his paintings and literati paintings, but they granted him too passive a role by ascribing that connection only to his acceptance of the latter. 少数学者关注到了宋徽宗绘画与文人画的关系,并将二者间的关系归结为徽宗接受文人画影响的结果,也是对徽宗与文人画之间关系过于消极的看法。
- This revival of nationalist research attracted people's attention to Chinese paintings,resulting from which were the rebirth of literati paintings and the establishment of research insti... 这股复兴思潮促使国画再度受人关注,文人画重新崛起,国画研究机构与组织大量出现,对中国本位文化、民族性、民族精神、传统绘画本质特性、中西比较、民族形式诸问题的学术探讨蔚然成风。
- It took us an entire week to finish painting the home. 它花去了我们整整一星期的时间才把房子粉刷好。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 让我们在上漆以前把这块板洗干净。
- The paint on the windows has flaked. 窗子上的油漆剥落了。
- The damage to the painting was the work of vandal. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。