- Hence a writer feels a maternal affection toward his literary product as a mother feels toward her baby. 发表之后,又自诵自喜,如母牛舐犊。
- For her, the act of literary consumption was the generous parent of the act of literary production. 对她来说,文学作品的阅读就是文学创作最好的母亲。
- The relation between the respective novels and all her literary production is similar to the macerated favric and the quilt. 本文第三章从文本结构即板块拼接的特点和非线性的时间顺序分析了莫里森作品中表现出的百衲被含义的另一个方面。
- Eagleton’s early theory of literary production was formed on the basis of critical inheritance of the theoretical thoughts of Williams, Althusser, Macherey and Benjamin. 他著作等身,涉猎范围极广,在文艺理论、文学批评、文化研究及美学等领域都取得了丰硕的成果。
- In her respective literary production, she tailors the writing materials into different patches and fragments according to a certain mode and reconstructs the materials by nonchronological time order. 第四章则从多重的叙事声音和叙事角度以及多变的叙事语言方面分析了其作品叙事方面的多样性。
- the consciousness on the literary production 文学的自觉
- With the realisation of the Hebrew Bible's canonization, some related Jewish literary products have been excluded and therefore forms, around The Bible, a group of documents: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. 希伯来圣经正典形成之后,一些相关的犹太文学被排除在外,形成一批典外文献,学界一般称之为次经与伪经。
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
- He is endowed with literary talent. 他有文学天分。
- Demand is outstripping current production. 现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力。
- His conversation reeks of the literary world. 他的言谈中提及文学世界。
- His literary style is still rather raw. 他的文学风格还很不成熟。
- The literary genre represented by novels. 以小说表出现的文学类型
- A new problem has been reared up in production. 生产中出现了一个新问题。
- I hope you try to get them to step up production. 希望你们尽力使厂家增加生产。
- That car went out of production five years ago. 那种汽车已经停产五年了。
- A major new talent has burst on the literary scene. 有个惹人瞩目的新秀突然出现於文坛。
- The ducks of the production team have been fed out. 生产队的鸭子已养肥到可以上市了。
- He set out to conquer the literary world of london. 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉。