- The List Voting System operating under the Largest Remainder formula, which is a form of proportional representation voting, is adopted. 选举采用名单投票制,并以最大余额方法计算选举结果。
- The List Voting System operating under the Largest Remainder formula,which is a form of proportional representation voting,is adopted. 选举采用名单投票制,并以最大余额方法计算选举结果。
- list voting system 名单投票制
- Allow Use of Low Cost Receiver in Voting System. 允许在比选系统中使用低成本接收机。
- The single transferable vote system operates. 单一可转让投票体制开始运作。
- The government proposed changes to the voting system. 政府建议修改表决制度。
- In the lower frame of his cartoon, David Horsey shows us what could happen if an irresponsible young fool hacked into a voting system. 在这幅漫画的下栏,霍尔西让我们看到了如果一个不负责任的年轻蠢货闯入计票系统会发生什么事。
- At what situations does Alex throw answers of candidates to the yahoo voting system? Alex在什么情况下将答案交给投票系统决定最佳答案呢?
- VOTING SYSTEMS have a long history of advancing with technology. 投票系统有长久的科技演进历史。
- A cumulative voting system shall be earnestly advanced in shareholders meetings for the election of directors. 股东大会在董事选举中应积极推行累积投票制度。
- Can someone get into our King County voting system and change or disrupt the outcome? 有人可进入我们景郡的投票系统内改变或扰乱其结果吗?
- Mark Cuban thinks Yao Ming's inclusion on the All-Star team is an example of a flawed voting system. 马克库班认为姚明能够进入全明星队是由于一个错误的投票体系所造成。
- For that reason, the new constitution tweaks the voting system in favour of smaller parties. 因此,新宪法调整了选举系统,使之对小型党派有利。
- An insurance company is encouraged to elect directors through the accumulative voting system. 鼓励保险公司采取累积投票制选举董事。
- In this paper, a MIS of the Registration and Voting System for LAN on C/S structure is proposed and designed. 以C/S体系结构为基础,设计并实现了电子报到表决管理信息系统。
- Successfully developed intelligent voting system proves that UML modeling of this system is correct. 成功实现的智能投票系统验证了该模型的正确性。
- The most infamous footie's wife of all, Victoria Beckham, will be shocked to learn she didn't even feature in the list voted for by over 100,000 readers... 著名球星贝克汉姆的妻子维多利亚可能会对这次评选非常惊讶,因为她甚至都没有进入竞选名单。
- This is the online voting system produced an example of many large websites are such a voting system, and interested friends to see how to achieve it. 这是制作网上投票系统的一个实例,很多大型网站上都是有这样的投票系统,感兴趣的朋友来看看如何实现的吧。
- This consideration doubtless plays a part in the government's hints that it is pondering a referendum on a “fairer” voting system. 当政府暗示它正考虑就一个“更公平”的选举制度举行一次全民公决的时候,这其中自然包含了对上述情况的算计。
- A voting system used to elect a single winner, whereby only twocandidates from the first round continue to the second round. 指复选,又叫二轮选举,是一种选举制度,共分两轮,只有第一轮的胜者才能进入下一轮。