- list processing condition 表处理条件
- Check product quality as soon as process condition changes. 工艺条件改变后,要及时分析成品质量。
- The optium processing condition were determined by orthogenesis test. 经过正交试验,确定了最佳工艺条件。
- A programming language designed for list processing and used extensively for artificial intelligence problems. 为表处理而设计的一种程序设计语言,被广泛地用于人工智能问题。LIStProcessing的缩写。
- Ambient and process conditions are no limitation. 可靠,精却,不被工艺条件所限制。
- In list processing, the document which contains the variable information to be merged with the form document. 表处理中的一种文档,包含和格式文档一起归并的变量信息。
- You can use this method in your code as a marker to indicate where variable-length argument list processing logically ends. 您可以在代码中将此方法用作标记,以指示变长参数列表在何处逻辑结束。
- This paper describes the determination of optimum processing condition and measurement results for antibiosis effects and durability are detailed. 本文报道最佳工艺整理的确定,并详述整理后针织袜的抗菌效果及耐久洗涤性能测试结果。
- Objective:To optimize the processing condition of electric roasting Epimedium of goats fat. 目的:优选羊脂油炙淫羊藿电烤工艺的最佳炮制条件。
- In the Scheme programming language, the language itself is represented as a linked list and the Scheme programming language is built for list processing! 在Scheme编程语言中,这种语言本身可以表示成一个链表,并且Scheme编程语言就是为进行列表处理而开发的。
- Based on SQL language,some concepts of processing condition oriented transaction are presented. 以SQL语言为背景,给出了面向操作条件的事务概念。
- Factors influenced the content of RS include: the type of plant, lipid, protein, processing condition etc. 抗性淀粉的含量受许多因素的影响,如植物种类、脂肪、蛋白质、加工方式和条件等。
- Orthographical experimentation was used to search the optimum formula and the best processing condition. 采用正交实验的方法寻求最佳配方和工艺条件。
- Impeller configuration is matched to the process conditions. 搅拌桨结构与工艺条件相匹配。
- Some processing condition such as consumption of monomer, initiator, meutralization degree and polymerizing temperature were explored. 对单体用量、发剂用量、和度、应温度等工艺条件进行了优化研究。
- The salting technic, processing condition and operation requirement were introduced in this paper. It has the instructive significance on development of new pickle products. 摘要介绍了金花菜、葱白系列产品的腌制加工工艺条件及操作要求,对开发腌制新产品具有指导意义。
- The utility module is a set of commonly useful parsers and support classes that were found to be useful in handling common tasks such as list processing, comments, confix expressions, etc. 工具模块是一组通常使用的分析器和支持类的集合,在处理常见的分析任务,比如列表处理、注释、连接声明等时,他们很有用。
- Effect of heat processing condition on the properties of NBR/ PA TPV wasstudied. With the temperature decreasing,the oil resistance was improved. 热成型条件对丁腈胶/三元尼龙共混型热塑性弹性体性能的影响的研究结果表明,在三元尼龙的熔程上限温度内对TPV进行热成型,热成型温度越低,TPV的耐溶剂性能越好;
- The heavily-doped-polysilicon-oxidation process condition used in LDD IC was optimized. 对重掺多晶氧化法(HDPO)应用于LDD IC中的工艺条件进行了优化;并实现了HDPO-LDD电路.
- Nanosized WO3 particles were prepared by CTAB/C4H9OH/C6H12/aqueous solution dissolved with Na2WO4 or HCl under ultrasonic processing condition. 在超声振荡条件下;将两份分别增溶有Na2WO4和HCl水溶液的十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)/正丁醇(C4H9OH)/环己烷(C6H12)的微乳液进行混合反应;制备了WO3纳米粒子.