- They became progressiely more debilitated and profuse watery and bloody liquid filled the lungs. 它们变得日益虚弱,大量水性带血的液体充斥于其肺部。
- Pressure gauges for pulsating or vibrating service, and on the discharge of all pumps, shall be silicone liquid filled. 识别标签号码应当整洁清晰的标在每块表的背面。
- The soft gelatin liquid filled capsule manufacturing process is the same for all proposed potencies. 软明胶液体填注胶囊的生产工艺对所有提出的效用是一样的。
- Acoustical lenses are used commonly for contour correction. When scanning the inside of a pipe section by the immersion method, which of the following lens types would be used? 声透镜常用来修正声束形状,用液浸法从管子内壁进行探伤时,应使用哪咱类型的透镜?
- Cade D, Cole E T, Mayer J P, et al. Liquid filled and sealed hard gelatin capsules[J]. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 1986, 12(11-13): 2289. 沈航孝,顾林金.;液体灌装硬胶囊技术的研究概况[J]
- The mathematical formulation of sloshing dynamics for a partially liquid filled dewar container driven by the gravity jitter acceleration associated with slew motion is studied. 本文以部分充液的贮箱系统作为研究对象,用数值方法计算研究了在扰动力作用下流体系统的晃动力学问题。
- Four parts are included: acoustic lens, mechanics I electronic circuitsand microcomputer system. 声显微镜由声镜、机械部件、电路和微机软硬件组成。
- LCS liquid filling scale can meet a variety of automatic liquid filling needs. LCS液体灌装秤,可以满足多种液体自动灌装的需要。
- It has put forward a imaging method of acoustic lens using photoacoustic signal and according to the Kirchhoff diffraction theory we deduce. 主要内容:1.光声信号声透镜层析成像方法的提出,并依基耳霍夫衍射理论推导了声透镜的脉冲响应。
- For long runs of process and main utilities, liquid filled piping (containing hydrocarbons of C3 and lighter )could be isolated at both ends whilst the plant is in normal operation. 工艺和主要公用工程长期运行时,在正常操作状态,充满液体(含C3烃类和轻组分)的管道可在两端隔离。
- Unlike a powder or liquid fill, a low fill would not be readily apparent after lyophilization particularly for a biopharmaceutical drug product where the active ingredient may be only a milligram. 不象粉末和液体灌装,冻干后的产品不能明显的发现低灌装量。特别是生物药品,它们的活性成分可能仅有几毫克。
- TA Dean,LIU Zhenqing.Analysis of dispersion characteristics of ultrasonic longitudinal axisymmetric guided waves in viscous liquid filled pipes[J].Acta Acustica,2005,30(3):193-200. [5]他得安;刘镇清.;充粘液管材中超声纵向轴对称导波的频散特性分析[J]
- Pressure gauges shall be safety pattern and shall be liquid filled or furnished with pulsation dampeners for pulsating services including pump discharge and compressor applications. 现场压力表应是安全型并应是充液或配备用于振动工况包括泵出口和压缩机应用的振动阻尼器。
- The paper focuses on the immersion line-focusing ultrasonic transducer with cylinder curved acoustic lens used in intelligent pig,establishes a mathematical model of acoustic fields,calculates its acoustic field distribution and focal length. 论文针对智能猪用柱形曲面声透镜水浸式线聚焦探头,建立了其声场模型,并对其轴线声场和焦距进行了数值模拟。
- Discussed the achromatic principle of our hybrid acoustic lens system by deducing the point spread function of a point source with a bandwidth through the different imaging system. 利用菲涅耳衍射理论推导出了单频点声源经过单声透镜后的点扩展函数、有一定带宽的点声源经过单声透镜后的点扩展函数,以及有一定带宽的点声源经过我们设计的混合声透镜后的点扩展函数。
- Val watched the slow liquid filling his glass, the essential oil of the old wine glazing the surface. 瓦尔看着酒液缓缓倒入他的酒杯,陈酒的油花在杯中闪耀着。
- Gauges with liquid filling are damped if pressure pulses or mechanical vibrations arise. 如果压力呈脉冲状或机械振动加剧,充液的压力表可以得到缓冲。
- The regional hypothermia methods are mostly epidural cryogenic liquid filling and the heat interchanger direct cooling. 局部低温,方法多集中在硬膜外或硬膜下的低温液体灌洗以及热交换器直接制冷伤段脊髓。
- LCS liquid filling scale is able to meet the requirements of various automatic liquid filling. LCS液体灌装秤,可以满足多种液体自动灌装的需要。
- Simulation research on acoustic lens beamforming 声透镜波束形成技术仿真研究