- liquid surface oscillation 液面振荡
- The liquid surface is not distorted upon contact with the solid. 液体与固体接触时液体表面不受干扰。
- The conclusion is valuable for liquid surface wave detecting and application. 这一结果对液体表面波的检测和应用是有价值的。
- The theory of condensation on insoluble particles depends qualitatively on the reduced liquid surface area. 定性地说,在不可溶粒子上的凝结理论是与这减少的液体表面积有关的。
- Compared it with conventional billet,billet cast with high frequency electromagnetic field,on which depth of surface oscillation mark was decreased remarkably,had a smooth surface. 施加高频电磁场的铸坯与传统连铸坯相比 ,表面振动痕深度明显减小 ,且表面光滑
- Liquid surface of melting pool self-controllable, auto-traveling carriage and self-adjustable stick-out. 熔池液面自动控制,焊丝伸出长度自动调节。
- Outside acting on liquid, uses the force that liquid superficial area reduces , is called liquid surface tension. 作用于液体表面,使液体表面积缩小的力,称为液体表面张力。
- The distensible effect of a strip-shape bright region light reflection from curved liquid surface was discovered. 摘要发现了凹形弯曲液面上边界反射光场的带状亮场扩张效应。
- Provide a stilling well around float if liquid surface is subject to turbulence, ripples or wind. 如果水面出现动荡、波纹或风,则在浮子周围应该安装一个静水井。
- Open the exit to make the eluent flow out till the bed surface meets the liquid surface, shut off the exit. 3.;加样品:打开螺旋夹使柱面上的洗脱液流出,直至床面与液面刚好平齐为止,关闭下端出口。
- The distensible effect of a circle-shape dark region light reflection from curved liquid surface was discovered. 摘要发现了细棒润湿效应时弯曲液面上边界反射光场的圆形暗场扩张效应。
- Use patented stretch pole filling type.The stretch pole is adjusted according to level of liquid surface .Burble will no be occurred when filling. 使用专利式伸缩灌装方式随液面高度变化而调整伸缩高度,灌装不起泡沫。
- It is believed that the distensible effect of a circle-shape dark region is capable of real time characterization of curved liquid surface. 建立了一种利用弯曲液面边界反射的暗场扩张效应来实时测量液面特性的新方。
- Experiments show that,when the laser light illuminates the vibrancy liquid surface,the surface wave may diffract the incident light. 实验发现 :激光束照射在振动的液面上 ,表面波对入射光可产生衍射 ;
- Tamiya's new Liquid Surface Primer is perfect for smoothing over small scratches, holes, and gaps, and can be easily applied with a modeling brush. 田宫的新的引物是液体表面平滑完美的小刮痕,洞,和差距,并可以很容易地适用于建模刷。
- This paper is intended to make a comparison and analysis of a series of diagraph data by using a simple device to measue the tension coefficient of liquid surface. 摘要用简易装置测液体表面张力系数,得出一系列数据,通过用不同的数据处理方法得出结果,对结果进行比较、分析。
- A completely new particle can be produced by disruption or splintering from solid or liquid surfaces. 一个完全新的粒子可以由于固体或液体表面因分裂或碎裂而形成。
- The CBO crystal grown by Czochralski method is 20mm in diameter and 30mm high,optimal parameters for crystal growth are:temperature gradients in liquid surface is 60? 用提拉法生长出?20mm ×30m m 的 C B O 晶体;
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。