- liquefied noble gas 液化惰性气体
- Helium is a noble gas. 氦气是钝气。
- Being a noble gas, it resists chemical bonding with other elements and is thus easy to purify for isotopic analysis. 由于氙是惰性的,不易与其他元素产生化学键,因此很容易纯化以进行同位素分析。
- This paper analyzes shell electron pair repulsion theory, valence-bond theory and molecular orbital theory on molecular structure of noble gas compounds. 对稀有气体化合物的分子结构分别用“价层电子对互斥理论”、价键理论”和“分子轨道理论”进行了分析处理。
- The heaviest noble gas, it is colourless, odourless, tasteless, radioactive, and almost completely unreactive (forming compounds only with fluorine). 氡是最重的稀有气体,无色,无臭,无味,有放射性,相对不活泼(只与氟组成化合物)。
- In some materials, mainly noble gas liquids such as xenon, the process triggers the emission of light, called scintillation light. 对某些物质来说(主要是液态惰性气体,比如氙),这个过程会发出闪烁光(scintillationlight)。
- The heaviest noble gas, it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, radioactive (see radioactivity), and relatively unreactive (forming compounds only with fluorine). 氡是最重的稀有气体,无色,无臭,无味,有放射性,相对不活泼(只与氟组成化合物)。
- While discussing bonding essence of molecules of noble gas and some properties of compound molecules, this paper points out their advantages and disadvanteges and how to apply different theories to solve various knotty problems in teaching. 讨论了稀有气体化合物分子的成键本质以及某些性质,指出它们各自的优缺点和如何应用不同的理论去解决教学中不同的疑题。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。
- One of the noble gases, neon is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and completely unreactive. 氖是稀有气体的一种,无色、无臭、无味,完全不起化学反应。
- These facts show that the closed configurations of the noble gases are most difficult to disturb by removal of a electron. 这些事实表明,对惰性气体的闭合电子组态,要移去一个电子以破坏其组态是最困难的。
- His doctoral thesis was devoted to the geochemistry, geochronology and nuclear chemistry of the noble gases xenon and krypton. 他的博士论文专门探讨关于惰性气体氙与氪的地球化学、地质年代学以及核化学。
- Capture of radioactive noble gas 放射性稀有气体的捕集
- He acted a noble outlaw in the play. 在这部戏里他扮演一个高尚逃犯。
- Liquefied petroleum gas retail, wholesale. 液化石油气零售、批发。
- He is no longer within the pale of noble society. 他不再是贵族社会的一员了。
- Jim is descended from a noble family. 吉姆出身于一个贵族家庭。
- It may simply reflect some failure in technique on the part of the chemist. One well-known example of the failure of negative evidence is the overthrow of the dogma of chemical inertness on the part of the noble gases. 它仅仅反映部分化学家技术上的失败。一个众所周知的负面证据失败的例子就是,关于惰性气体是化学惰性的教条的推翻。
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。