- linimentum intertrigo 擦剂
- A preventive herbal cream for dry skin diseases,cuts,scratches,minor bums, wounds,cold sores,chapped skin,furuncle,impetigo and intertrigo. 干性皮肤病,割伤,抓伤,蚊虫叮咬,创伤,风湿,皲裂皮肤,疔疮,脓包和擦烂皮肤专用的预防性中药膏。
- Objective: To investigate the efficacy of MEBO in treating infantile intertrigo and erythema in haunch and to sum up clinical experience. 摘要目的:探讨MEBO治疗婴儿间擦疹及臀部红斑的临床疗效,总结临床治疗经验。
- The Vip database was researched for articles of shenling baizhu linimentum and hyperpigmentation disorders published from January 1995 to March 2006 in Chinese with the key words of "shenling baizhu linimentum, tyrosinase, hyperpigmentation disorders". 检索维普中文期刊全文数据库1995-01/2006-03与参苓白术和色素增加性皮肤病相关的文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“参苓白术散,酪氨酸酶,色素增加性皮肤病”。
- Effect on Tannic Acid Ointment to Treat Intertrigo 鞣酸软膏治疗间擦疹效果好
- eczema intertrigo behind the ear 月蚀疮
- Keywords ICR mouse;skin;Lomefloxacin linimentum; ICR小鼠;皮肤;洛美沙星搽剂;
- linimentum methylis salicylatis et eucalypti [医] 水扬酸甲酯桉叶搽剂, 冬绿油桉叶搽剂
- linimentum parti affectae applicandum (拉)使用于局部的擦剂
- linimentum terebinthinae aceticum [医] 松节油醋酸搽剂, 斯托克斯氏搽剂
- compound Jiaoxuanling linimentum 复方脚癣灵搽剂
- Survey of Malassezia in Candidal Intertrigo in infants 婴幼儿擦烂性念珠菌病中马拉色菌检测
- Effect on Compound Zinc Oxide Powder to Treat Neonatal Intertrigo 复方氧化锌粉治疗新生儿擦烂红斑效果观察
- wounds,cold sores,chapped skin,furuncle,impetigo and intertrigo. 创口,冻疮,皮肤干裂,疔疮,脓疱疮和褶烂
- Clinical Experience with MEBO for treating 50 cases of erosive eczema intertrigo 湿润烧伤膏治疗糜烂型间擦疹50例临床体会
- D/D: contact dermatitis, intertrigo, eczema,pyogenic infection, cellulitis,psoriasis, lichen planus, ichthyosis 并发症:续发细菌感染,淋巴腺(管)炎,丹毒,蜂窝组织炎
- Current study on shenling baizhu linimentum in the treatment of hyperpigmentation disorders 参苓白术搽剂治疗色素增加性皮肤病的研究现状
- eczema intertrigo 擦烂性湿疹
- erythema intertrigo 擦烂红斑
- linimentum 搽剂