- Of all the signs, linguistic signs are basilic. 其中最主要的符号是语言符号。
- A sutdy in arbitrariness of linguistic signs : exploring Saussure's philosophy of linguistics. 语言符号任意性硏究:索緖尔语言哲学思想探索.
- The arbitrariness not only reveals the ways to study linguistics, but also is an essential trait of linguistic signs. 摘要任意性不但揭示出研究语言所采用的分析方法,而且它是语言符号的根本特征。
- In the light of modern linguistics, the linguistic condition or the structure is a priori and refers to the paradigmatic relations of linguistic signs. 本文顺今世语言学理路,认定语言须要条件即结构题目是指语言标志之间的聚合关连。
- F.D Saussure's arbitrariness of linguistic sign is of great significance and of controversies as well in the history of linguistics. 摘要索绪尔提出的语言符号的任意性原则在语言学史中占有非常重要的地位,但同时也存在着争议。
- The link between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention. 语言学上的符号和它的意义之间是约定俗成的关系。
- Separation between linguistic signs and plastic elements; equivalence of resemblance and affirmation. 语言学符号与可塑性元素之间的区分;相似性与确定性之间的暧昧关系,这两组微妙关联构成了古典绘画的某种不安。
- Arbitrariness and Iconicity of Linguistic Signs: Mutually Exclusive or Coexistent? 语言符号任意性和象似性:相互排斥还是相互依存?
- Barthes then set out to develop semiology thanks to a framework supplied by Saussure's study of the linguistic signs. 依靠索绪尔对语言符号研究所提供的框架,巴尔特着手发展符号学。
- One design feature of human language, which refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. 人类语言的本质特征之一,指语言符号的形式与意义之间没有自然的联系。
- According to the principles of literary semiotics, linguistic signs and literary signs are by nature different kinds of signs. 根据文学符号学的理论,文学符号和语言符号是两种互不相同的符号。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- He is engaged in studies in linguistics. 他从事于语言学的研究。
- Marked iconicity, one of manifestations of motivation between linguistic signs and their meanings, is also one important approach to stylistic features and effects. 它是语言符号形式和意义理据性的重要表现之一,也是取得文体特征、达到文体效果的重要手段。
- A good dictionary is the handmaid of the linguist. 一部好字典封语言学家的帮助甚大。
- It is not the mediation of the linguistic sign that forms signification, but the significance of the face that makes the sign-function possible. 语言符号的调解并不能形成意义(并没有什么意味),而是脸的意义(意味)使得符号-功能成为可能。
- A specialist in English linguistics. 英语专家英国语言的研究专家
- A prominent characteristic of language is that the relation between a linguistic sign and its meaning is arbitrary. 语言的突出特征是语言符号与其意义之间的关系是任意的。
- The linguist go to study tribal language in the field. 语言学家们去实地研究部落语言了。
- In the studies of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of the linguistic sign,two major problems remain to be clarified :(1) What does it mean by arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness in linguistics? 在语言符号任意性和非任意性的研究中,存在着两个需要商榷的问题:(1)语言的任意性和非任意性到底指什么;