- Metaphor has been the key task in the cognitive linguistic research. 摘要隐喻贯穿于人类一切自然语言和思维之中,是认知语义学研究的重点之一。
- Discourse analysis is one of the hot issues in current linguistic research. 摘要话语分析是近些年语言学研究的热点。
- She is pursuing her linguistic researches. 她在从事语言学的研究。
- The functions of nominalization have always been a key issue in Systemic-Functional Linguistic research. 名词化的功能一直是系统功能语言学研究的一个热点。
- The object of linguistic research in NLP is application skills rather than language itself. NLP中对语言的研究,不是研究语言本身,而是研究语言的应用技巧。
- And certainly the quest for machine translation has prompted a lot of linguistic research that may prove valuable in unforeseen ways. 对于机器翻译的不断探索无疑已经激发了大量语言学的研究,这些研究可能在一些不可预见的方面是颇有价值的。
- In certain areas of historical linguistic research is it appropriate to use standardization as our main reference point. 在历时语言学的一些研究领域,把标准化作为我们的主要参考点是恰当的。
- From Course in General Linguistic of Saussure and Syntactic Structure of Chomsky, the goal of linguistic research is the language system rather than the application of language. 无论是现代语言学之父Saussure的《普通语言学教程》还是Chomsky的代表作《句法结构》,其研究对象都是语言系统本身而非语言的应用。
- Speech Act Theory established by Austin and Searle puts forward the idea that the objects of linguistic research are not words or sentences, but actions performed by them. Austin和Searle建立的言语行为理论首次提出语言学研究的对象不应是词和句子,而应该是通过词和句子所完成的行为。
- In conclusion, we argue that corpora reflect shared uses of language and are efficient tools for establishing baseline facts in (psycho-/neuro-)linguistic research. 也就是说语料库反映了语言的心理现象,可提供了我们由资料入手研究语言真实性的另一蹊径。
- This paper introduced the two developing stages of typology and presents the main characteristics of it, and it also argues the influence of typology to linguistic research in China. 文章介绍了语言类型学的两个发展阶段及各阶段的主要特点,并论述了类型学理论对我国语言研究的影响。
- "It would be nice if computers could do the job. And certainly the quest for machine translation has prompted a lot of linguistic research that may prove valuable in unforeseen ways. “如果电脑可以做翻译工作,那就太好了。对于机器翻译的不断探索无疑已经激发了大量语言学的研究,这些研究可能在一些不可预见的方面是颇有价值的。”
- The linguistic research with a focus on some litera ry style has been neglected in the past century despite the research on the histor y of Chinese lan guage that has made good progress. 汉语史的研究在过去的一个世纪里取得了长足的进步,但对以某一体裁为中心的语言研究则往往被人们忽略。
- The paper explores the connectionist theory and methods, introducing the basic concepts in connectionism, its application in language acquisition, and the new insights to linguistic research. 本文探讨近年来对认知科学产生了重大影响的联结主义理论及方法,介绍联结主义的基本概念,在语言学及语言习得中的应用,以及它给语言研究提供的新思路。
- Naturally, philosophy provides linguistic researchers with its nutrition of various hues. 语言研究怎样和如何吸取营养?
- Teaching dialectology to college students is an important task for linguistic researchers in universities. 对大学生进行方言学教学是摆在高校语言学工作者面前的一个重要任务。
- All linguistic researches point to the fact that learning a second language at a young age results in superior achievement. 从中外学者的研究报告可以看出,学习英语的理想年龄,愈年轻愈好。
- Professor TIAN believes that linguistic research should consider the context in which language is used, and linguistics without sociolinguistics is not complete. 田贵森教授认为语言研究应注重语言使用的语境,忽视语言社会文化语境的语言学研究是不完整的。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。