- linear imbedding 线性嵌入
- They all were paraform-fixed,paraffin imbedding. 所有数据均经spss10.;0软件处理。
- A specified arrangement used in ordering. An order need not be linear. 一种在排序中使用的特定排列。排列的次序不必是线性的。
- The ordinate scale is linear in decibels. 纵坐标比例尺以分贝为单位是线性的。
- In this paper the parameter imbedding algorithm is introduced. 本文介绍了一种参数插入算法。
- Here are linear measures in millimeters. 这是毫米方式的线性量度。
- Imbedding reduces the number of memory locations required. 采用嵌入法可以减少所需存储单元的数目。
- A linear differential transformer has three coils. 一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。
- Change the layer mode to linear burn. 将层模式设置为线性燃烧。
- Linear flow from low to full opening. 从小到全开的线性流。
- Yarn number is a measure of linear density. 纱线细度是纱线线密度的一种度量方法。
- The equations generated, however, are not linear. 但所形成的方程不是线性的。
- Agarose is naturally linear polysaccharide. 琼脂糖是一种天然的直链多糖。
- A Russian measure of linear distance equivalent to about two thirds of a mile. 俄里俄国的直线距离测量,大约等于一英里的三分之二
- The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension. 信息密度在一个线性维度内有用的信息单元的个数。
- Which linear dimensions does have a circle? 圆有哪些线性尺寸?
- Which linear dimensions does have a square? 正方形有哪些线性尺寸?
- Simplex Method for Linear Programming. 线性规划的单纯形算法。
- The experiment results show that the new method can slove the imb... 实验结果表明该方法能有效解决文档摘要分布不平衡问题,减少了文摘内容的冗余。
- Width is a linear dimension, too. 宽也是一种线性尺寸。