- An explicit expression of the output amplitude gain (OAG) of the oscillator is obtained based on linear system theory. 基于线性系统理论,得到了系统输出幅度增益的精确表达式。
- Based on the linear system theory of DEDS,this paper deals with theproblem of maximal machine utilization in FMS. 基于离散事件动态系统的线性系统理论,本文研究了FMS的最大机床利用率问题。
- By applying the noise character and the linear system theory, the explicit expression of the output amplitude gain (OAG) of the linear system is obtained. 根据噪声的特性和线性系统理论,得到了系统输出幅度增益的精确表达式。
- Traditional PID control is designed according to the linear system theory, but AMB has the nonlinear characteristic, as a result, a rotor may not levitate efficiently far away from the balance point. 磁力轴承具有非线性,而传统PID控制器是按照线性化理论进行设计,不能有效控制转子的大范围起浮。
- In the first stage the system is decomposed into uncoupled subsystems by using a controller based on fuzzy logic.The decoupling fuzzy logic is derived based upon the classical linear system theory. 在第一阶段中,首先藉由建立在古典的线性系统理论上之模糊控制器将一个耦合之系统分解为互相独立之两个次系统。
- The usual design of the magnetic controller always linearizes around the balance point and bases on the linear system theory to design the linear controller. 磁悬浮轴承的控制器设计通常是在平衡点附近进行线性化,按照线性理论设计线性控制器。
- Research on Linear System Theory of Convolutional Code 卷积码的线性系统理论研究
- Methods of Solving Complicated Problems in Linear System Theory 线性系统理论中处理复杂问题的方法
- infinite dimensional linear systems theory 无限维线性系统理论
- Using piecewise linearity system theory, the harmonic excitation nonlinear response of clearance restriction cantilever beam system was researched.Firstly, the dynamic, model of this system was build. 摘要运用分段线性系统分析理论,研究间隙约束的悬臂梁振动系统在简谐激励下系统稳态响应的动力学行为。
- The FBC is a non linear system which is chaotic. 流化床燃烧系统是一个具有混沌特性的非线性动力系统;
- Linear system theory and design 线性系统理论和设计
- It is a comprehensive explanation of control system theory. 它是关于控制系统理论的全面论述。
- Can System theory, Cybernetics and Information theory be Unified? 系统论、控制论与信息论能否统一?
- He put forward a set of large-scale system theory in the meeting. 他在会议上提出了一套大规模系统理论。
- GM(1,1) model of Grey System Theory is used in prediction realm. 在预测领域,灰色系统理论使用的是GM(1,1)模型。
- Baed on the theory Of linear system,the imaging resolution both for ideal and practical cases is discussed It turns out that for ideal case the point spread function(PSF)of imaging system is Dirac function. 然后从线性系统的角度出发,研究了理想情况和实际情况下转台模式近场微波成像的分辨特性,理想情况下成像系统的点扩散函数(PSF)就是狄拉克-函数。 PSF的数值模拟结果表明:实际情况下,扫描频带越宽分辨率越高。
- With algebraic multi-grid method (AMG), linear system of equations are solved. 利用代数多重网格法求解了这个线性代数方程组。
- linear systems theory 线性系统理论
- The theoretical foundation of the covariance is pertinence of system theory. 协变性的理论基础是系统原理中的相关性。