- The existence and stability of periodic solution are studied by using the bifurcation theory, linear stability theory and the method of asymptotic expansion. 运用分歧理论、固有值的解析摄动理论和渐近展开的方法,获得了共存时间周期解的存在性和稳定性。
- To discuss a type of reaction diffusion system with functional reaction and periodic coefficients.The existence and stability of periodic solution are studied by using the bifurcation theory,linear stability theory and the method of asymptotic expansion. 讨论具有功能反应的一类捕食者-食饵系统的反应扩散方程组.;运用分歧理论、固有值的解析摄动理论和渐近展开的方法;获得了共存时间周期解的存在性和稳定性
- WT5”BZ]The compressible linear stability theory and the method of multiple scales are used to study the problem of three dimensional nonparallel flow stability for boundary layers. 采用线性稳定性理论和多重尺度方法,研究三维可压缩的非平行流边界层稳定性问题。
- Liapunov linear stability theory Liapunov线性稳定性理论
- linear stability theory 线性稳定性理论
- These results deepen and enrich content of stability theory. 深化与丰富了稳定性理论。
- W.A.Coppel Dichotomies in stability theory[M].Spring-Verlag 1978. 黄林.;稳定性理论[M]
- The state-space representation of linear time-invariant (LTI) fractional order systems is introduced, and a proof of their stability theory is also given. 摘要介绍了分数阶线性定常系统的状态方程描述,并给出了其稳定性定理的一个证明。
- By using the Lyapunov stability theory,the gain of the observer could be obtained by solving a linear matrix inequality(LMI) in Matlab LMI toolbox,which solves the unstable problem of the adaptive speed observer using pole-placement technique. 应用Lyapunov稳定性理论,观测器的增益借助于Matlab中LMI工具箱求解一线性矩阵不等式得到,它解决了采用极点配置的自适应速度观测器存在不稳定区域的问题。
- The inviscid linear stability of variable density swirling jets is analyzed by normal mode method. 用正则模方法研究了变密度无粘旋拧射流线性稳定性特征。
- A linear stability analysis of supercritical water reactors (II) coupled neutronic thermal-hydraulic stability.//J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 41 (12), 2004, 11p. 超临界水冷堆线性稳定性分析(II):中子学-热工水力学耦合稳定性
- J.L.Massera.Erratum: Contributions to stability theory[J].Ann.Math.68 (1958).202. 林振声.;常微分方程稳定性理论[M]
- In this paper, linear stability analysis is applied to the Brusselator modd, a series of time-space pattern are obtained in two-dimension space by numerical simulations. 本文中,我们对布鲁塞尔振子模型进行线性稳定性分析.模拟出两堆的时空斑图,进一步阐明斑图形成的机制。
- This paper presents a thorough study of the input/output stability theory of relay pulse senders. 本文深入研究了中继脉冲发送器的输入输出稳定性的理论。
- The effect of the step crosswind gusts is analyzed based on the stability theory. 运用汽车侧风稳定性理论,对阶跃阵风作用下的敏感性试验进行了详细的仿真分析;
- A controller is designed based on Lyapunov stability theory,and an unstable periodic orbit(UPO) tracking of uncertain chaotic systems is considered. 基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,设计了控制器,实现了快速跟踪混沌系统的不稳定周期轨道。
- In this paper based upon the knowledge of ordinary differential equation and its stability theory, we study the solutions of Dirac equation. 本文主要利用常微分方程的基本理论及其定性理论,采用打靶法研究狄拉克方程解的存在性问题。
- Moreover, the derived equation, and the stability theory of differential equations to explain the actual meaning of equations. 再者,求出方程的解,并用微分方程解的稳定性理论解释方程解的实际意义。
- The dispersity and stability theory,surface modification methods and technology of nanoparticles as load-carry additives were described. 论述了可作为载荷添加剂的纳米微粒在润滑剂中分散稳定的理论、表面修饰方法和工艺。
- International institutions are defined as public goods by both hegemonic stability theory and neoliberal institutionalism. 摘要霸权稳定论和新自由主义都是西方国际政治经济学的主流理论范式。