- linear rate constant 线性速率常数
- The apparent reaction rate constant can be obtained by linear regression. 线性回归得出化学反应速率常数表观值。
- Therewas a linear interactionship between the adsorption apparent rate constant and adsorbent-adsorbate interaction energy. 表观吸附速率常数与吸附剂-吸附质相互作用能存在线性关系。
- The absorption rate constant expresses the speed of absorption. 吸收速率常数表示吸收的速度。
- The maximal gelation rate constant occurred the top layer. 在凝胶过程中,凝胶速度常数最大的是皮层。
- The variation of the return rate constant k with different absolute temperature T deviates Arrhenius empiric equation. 反应速率常数随绝对温度的变化基本上符合阿累尼乌斯定理。
- The parabolic rate constant B is substantially larger for wet oxidation than for dry. 在湿氧氧化中抛物线速率常数B比干氧氧化中的大得多。
- Its reaction constant K, rate constant k_1, activation energy E_(a.1) and Arrhenius factor k_(0.1) were determined. 测定了其反应常数K、速度常数k_1、活化能E_((?) ,1)及频率因子k_(0,1)。
- This is very significant to both determining the rate constant and estimating the activation energy. 这对于求反应速率常数和估计反应的活化能都具有重要意义。
- The effective diffusion coefficient and rate constant of intraparticle transport were calculated. 求出了颗粒内有效扩散系数和颗粒内扩散速率常数。
- With the seawater salinity increasing,the degradation rate constant of substrate drops. 随着污水中海水比例的增大,基质降解速率常数逐渐变小。
- To master the relation of reaction rate constant and temperature (Arrhenius equation). 掌握反应速率常数与温度的关系(阿累尼乌斯公式)。
- The presence of hydroXyethylcellulose (HEC) in the system, which had a lower viscosity, increased the drug release rate constant. 微晶纤维素的加入可使片剂释药速度加快,低粘度的羟乙基纤维素可使药物的溶出速率常数增加。
- Besides,the important effect of rota- tional energy-levels on the rate constant based on Coriolis coupling is also indicated. 此外,本文还指出转动能级对科里奥利机制的速率常数有重要影响。
- A Linear Rate Control Method for Video Coding 一种线性视频编码码率控制方法
- The results showed that the blocking reaction was a second order reaction and various blocking agents had different reaction rate constant. 结果表明,六亚甲基二异氰酸酯的封闭反应是二级反应,不同的封闭物,反应速率常数不同;
- The results show that nitriding rate and nitridation reaction rate constant are improved with the increase of nitridation temperature and time. 实验结果表明:随氮化温度升高、时间延长,各试样的氮化率及氮化反应速率常数提高。
- Rate constant(K) of degradation increases with increasing the gas flow rate or decreasing the initial sodium lignosulfonate concentration. 气体流量越大,木质素磺酸钠的初始浓度越低,速率常数K越大,降解效果越好。
- Estimate the potency degradation rate constant at low temperature with that at high temperature according to Arrhenius equation. 根据阿伦尼乌斯方程,从较高温度下效力衰减的速率常数估算较低温度下的速率常数。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。