- The discussion of the relation of bilevel linear programming problem(BLPP) and BBPP is also given. 此外,还讨论了二层线性规划与双目标规划的关系。
- Apply singular value decomposition and generalize inverse of the matrix to discuss the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the standard linear programming problem. 用矩阵的奇异值分解和广义逆讨论标准线性规划问题解的存在性和唯一性问题.
- The interior point method is a polynomial time algorithm for solving linear programming problem, and its number of iterations is independent on the size of system. 内点法是一种求解线性规划问题的多项式时间算法,其显著特征是其迭代次数与系统规模关系不大。
- An adaptive genetic algorithm is proposed for solving the bilevel linear programming problem to overcome the difficulty of determining the probabilities of crossover and mutation. 摘要提出了一种自适应遗传算法来求解二层线性规划问题。
- This verification can be implemented by determining the consistency of a group of linear inequalities, or equivalently, by solving a linear programming problem. 该方法将生存性判别转化为判别线性不等式组的相容性或等价地转化为求解一个线性规划问题。
- To enrich the entropy methods for the linear program problem, the interval adjustable entropy method for the linear program problem is proposed. 摘要为丰富线性规划问题的熵函数方法,提出了求解线性规划问题的区间调节熵方法。
- The consistency of the Big M Method and Two-Phase Method in idea, auxiliary linear programming problem, initial feasible basis, initial simplex tableau and optimality criterion, etc. , is analyzed. 摘要分析了大M法与两阶段法在思想方法、辅助线性规划问题的构造、初始可行基、初始单纯形表、最优性检验和算法步骤等方面的一致性。
- Presents a generalized dual simplex metjhod of directly solving a linear programming problem to which the basic solution is neither a feasible solution to the primal problem nor a feasible solution to the dual problem. 在已经得到的线性规划问题的基本解既不是原始问题的可行解 ,也不是对偶问题的可行解的情形下 ,介绍求解线性规划问题的广义对偶单纯形法 ,它是对偶单纯形法的推广 ,用此法迭代一次就可得到一个对偶可行解
- Two direct heuristic methods for obtaining a feasible solution of a linear programming problem (LPP) are proposed.The algorithms can get a feasible solution by iteration if the problem is feasible. 提出了两个获得线性规划可行解的启发式算法;给出了若干例子验证了算法.
- In order to solve linear programming problems, simplex method with bisection carries out pivoting operation on a series of sub-program. 二分单纯形算法中,线性规划问题的最优解是通过求解一系列子问题来实现的。
- In this paper the saddle-point approximation algorithm is modified and the iteration formula and its pratical realization are given for solving linear programming problems. 本文修正了鞍点逼近算法,给出一个求线性规划最优解的迭代方法和具体实现;
- Optimal solution for a linear programming problem 一类线性规划问题的最优解
- An Extended Inverse Linear Programming Problem 线性规划的一类广义逆问题
- Bilevel generalized linear programming problem 两层广义线性规划
- Upper bounded linear programming problem 上限线性规划问题
- matrix formulation of linear programming problem 线性规划问题的矩阵结构
- Presents a special nonlinear programming problems,its objective function contains absolute value symbol,this kind of problem can be transformed to the solution of a linear programming problems. 给出了一类特殊的非线性规划问题,其目标函数中带有绝对值符号,这类问题可以转化为线性规划问题来求解。
- feasibility of linear programming problem 线性规划问题的可行解区域
- matrix fomulation of linear programming problem [经] 线性规划问题的矩阵结构
- Network flow problems form a subclass of linear programming problems with applications to transportation, logistics, manufacturing, computer science, project management, finance as well as a number of other domains. 网流问题构成线性规划的一个问题子类并可应用在运输业,物流业,制造业,电脑科学,专案管理,财务学及数个其它领域。