- linear operator model 线性演算器模式
- By using linear operator semigroup theory, it is shown that the solution obtained by the model is well-posedness. 对模型进行了分析,运用线性算子半群理论研究了模型的解的适定性。
- What is the operation model of virtual operation? 虚拟经营的运作方式是什么?
- Each observable is represented by a densely defined Hermitian( or self-adjoint) linear operator acting on the state space. 每个可见由详细定义的厄密共轭(者同一伴随矩阵)用于状态矢量空间线性操作者来表现。
- Each observable is represented by a densely defined Hermitian (or self-adjoint) linear operator acting on the state space. 每个可见由详细定义的厄密共轭(或者同一伴随矩阵)作用于状态矢量空间线性操作者来表现。
- Obviously, sin() is not a linear operator, so even though wavenumber is a vector, sin(vector) is not a vector. 显然这样做的结果是不正确的,那么问题出在哪里。
- The property of the probabilistic norm of the linear operator in PN space with unit circle N (0, 1) is discussed. 摘要利用单位圆N(0,1)讨论PN空间中线性算子的概率范数的几个性质。
- NOTE: Connection of gear operator to valve stem varies depending on gear operator model, size, and style. The adapter bushing and key may be different from illustration shown. 注意:齿轮操作机构与阀门阀杆的连接与齿轮操作机构的型号、大小和类型有关。适配器衬套和销键可能与图示不同。
- These facts suggest a simple way of charaterizing linear operation. 这些事实提示我们,可以用一个简单方法来描述线性运行。
- The iterative construction of interpolating space is discussed by K-method and it is characterized by linear operator. 摘要用K方法讨论内插空间的迭代构造,并用线性算子对其特征进行研究。
- By using the semigroup of bounded linear operator,a new locally convex vector topological is introduced,and some propositions of it are given. 利用有界线性算子半群;引入了一新的局部凸向量拓扑;并对其基本性质进行了讨论.
- One of these projects is the Car Dealership Credit Operations model. 而其中一个项目是汽车经销商的信贷业务模式。
- The Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds is an essential linear operator, and it is also the main object to be studied of Geometric Analysis on manifolds. Riemann流形上的Laplace算子是一个重要的线性算子,也是流形上几何分析研究的主要对象之一。
- By using the C-semigroup of bounded linear operator, a new locally convex vector topological is introduced, and some propositions of it are given. 摘要利用C-半群的概念,引入一新的局部凸向量拓扑,并对其基本性质以及在新的局部凸线性拓扑意义下C-半群的性质进行初步研究。
- These facts suggest a simple way of characterizing linear operation. 这些事实提示我们,可以用一个简单方法来描述线性运行。
- As one kind of operating model of commercial advertisement, comparative ad appears universally. 比较广告作为商业广告的一种运作形式,已经日益普遍地出现在广告实践中。
- Fuzzy normed space theories are important parts in fuzzy analysis,while powerset linear operator is a reasonable form of classic linear operator in fuzzy normed space. 模糊赋范空间理论是模糊分析学的重要组成部分,幂集线性算子则是经典线性算子在模糊赋范空间中的极为合理的表现形式。
- Operational Model and Optimization of Reconstructed No.2 Boiler in Nanhai Green Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. 南海环保电厂2号锅炉改造后的运行模型与优化。
- Convex space,Cauchy sequence Bahach space and linear operator are expanded to extensive set. Their definitions are given,and some theorems are obtained. 给出了可拓赋范空间 ,可拓 Cauchy列 ,可拓 Bahach空间 ,可拓线性算子的定义 ,并得到若干性质
- It was explained for how to describe template model in XML,and the operation model for bid book data was set up. 分析了资料模板的基本模型 ,并给出了模板的XML描述 ,建立了标书资料的组合操作模型 ;