- adaptive linear feature detection 自适应线性特征检测
- linear feature detection 线性特征检测
- Experiments evince this algorithm is a good feature detection method. 试验结果表明这是一种良好的特征识别方法。
- Extender Creates extensions to linear features. 延长线状要素。
- DInterpolator Interpolates elevation values along a linear feature from a starting value to an ending value. 三维插值:沿着一个线状要素、根据起始值和结束值内插高程。
- Taoyuan molybdenum ore belongs to mesothermal hydrothermal vein deposit.Alteration of country rock has linear feature. 桃园钼矿床属中温热液脉型矿床,围岩蚀变具线型对称特征。
- Additional topics may include data compression, filter design, and feature detection. 额外的话题包括数据压缩,滤波器设计,特征检测。
- Actually, the function has two parts: 1) Hyperbola locating and 2) Linear Feature Extraction. 其实,功能有两个部分: 1 )双曲线定位与2 )线性特征提取。
- In the study of adding annotation to the map automatically , the problem of linear feature poses the important position because of its complexities and difficulty. 在地图自动注记的研究中,线状要素由于其形状复杂、灵活性大,难度较大,在注记自动研究问题中占有较大的比重。
- According to the study of the visual physiology,the receptive field of gauglion cell are with outstanding function in the low level vision feature detection such as for the edge ,line , end-stopped ,corner and direction ,etc . 经视觉生理学上的研究,视网膜神经节细胞(gauglion cell)感受野(receptive field)在边缘、线条、线条端点、角点和角度等图像的低层次要素的检测方面有较突出的功能。
- ArcEstimator Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional circular arc whose shape is estimated from the first, middle, and last point of the linear feature passed in. 改为二维圆弧,其参数由原始线状要素的开始、中间、结束三个点计算而出。
- In this paper, first the fundamentals of image registration is analyzed, then registration principle and method based on linear feature is discussed, and , the key technologies of registration of DLG and DOM based on linear feature are studied. 本文首先介绍图像配准的基本原理,接着详细地论述基于线特征的配准原理和方法,在此基础上提出了基于线特征的DLG与DOM配准方法。
- Linear feature extraction from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images can be used in many applications, such as multi-sensor image registration, cartographic applications, and geomorphologic studies. 从合成孔径雷达图像上提取出的道路、河流等线状特征在多传感器信息融合、制图学等许多领域中都有着重要的应用。
- Two features detection algorithm based on the wavelet transform modulus maxima and its phase angle is presented,to resolve the problem of weak infrared point targets detection. 为解决强杂波中红外弱点目标的检测问题,提出了基于小波变换模极值及其位相值的双特征检测算法。
- LineCloser Turns input linear features into areas by adding their start point as the end point. 将输入的线状要素转换为面状,其中起点被复制为终点。
- This system contains feature detecting, template matching and calibration of stereovision. 它涵盖了立体视觉中的特征提取、模板匹配、摄像机标定以及部分图像处理技术。
- A Road Network Change Detection Algorithm Based on Linear Feature 一种基于线特征的道路网变化检测算法
- The noise causes the contast not enough,image penumbra,information what we need,such as marginal and linear features,is not prominent. 针对上述问题,可以采用专业的图像处理软件进行处理。
- Analysis on Image Feature Detection Algorithms 图像特征检测算法的分析与研究