- linea oblique anterior 前斜线
- He drew an oblique line on paper. 他在纸上划了一条斜线。
- This story is about people anterior to the flood. 这个故事是关于洪水时期以前的人们的。
- She made an oblique reference to her own affairs. 她转弯抹角地提起她自身的事。
- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的
- We've already finished the work anterior to the schedule. 我们已经提前完成了工作。
- He made oblique references to her lack of experience. 他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。
- The anterior part of a fish contains the head and gills. 鱼的前部包括头和鳃。
- He made an oblique reference to his work. 他拐弯抹角地提到了他的工作。
- The lower two-thirds of it insert, in common with fibers of the external oblique and the underlying transversus abdominis, into the linea alba. 一条在剑突软骨附近,一条在脐,还有一条在两者之间。白线和这三条件腱划将腹部分成“六格”。这正是健身人士追求的外形。
- To drive(a nail or spike) at an oblique angle. 斜钉以一个倾斜的角度钉(钉子或大钉)
- Having oblique lines or markings. 斜纹的带有斜线或斜记号的
- His response to my first memorandum was oblique. 他对我的第一份备忘录的答复是闪烁其词的。
- The anterior part, as of an object or organism. 前部前部,如物体或生物体的前部
- She gave an oblique look to one side. 她向旁边斜看了一眼。
- Toward the head or anterior section. 向头部朝向头部或身体前端
- Having a slanted or oblique direction. 斜的带有偏斜的或倾斜方向的
- The anterior part,as of an object or organism. 前部前部,如物体或生物体的前部
- Hanno un proprio veicolo convogli, e la linea ferroviaria. 拥有自己的汽车运输队,和铁路专线。
- The oblique rays of the winter sun. 冬日里的太阳斜撒下来的光线。