- line time slot 用户集线器时隙
- Whether adopt favourable time slot. 是否采用优惠时间段。
- The default time slot for the grid is one hour. 网格的默认时间空档是一个小时。
- The tv program has a new time slot. 该电视节目安排在一个新的时间段。
- The 7 o'clock time slot on the radio is usually filled with a news broadcast. 广播电台七点的节目时间通常播出新闻。
- The7o'clock time slot on the radio is usually filled with a news broadcast. 广播电台七点的节目时间通常播出新闻。
- Each year, the AFI program has garnered the highest rating for its time slot. 每年,美国电影协会都要搞一次这样的活动,收集美国电影史上“之最”。
- TDMA allocates each user a different time slot on a given frequency. TDMA在给定频率为每个用户分配不同的时隙。
- She went over the lines time and again. 她反复练习那台词。
- The best way to accomplish what's on the list is to give each task a specific time slot. 完成单子上的各项任务的最好方法是给每项工作留出一个专门的时间。
- I will check on the availability of the conference room for that day and if that time slot is open. I will reserve it. 我会查核当天是否可用会议室,如果那段时间无人使用,我会预订下来,
- FHL has been assigned two one-hour time slots. 我们有两个一小时的上场比赛时间。
- Cards will expire half a year after issuing, Two hours fixed time slot each week. 2人自购卡之日起半年内使用有效,每周固定时段2小时。
- Change or cancellation of appointment can only be accepted at least one working day before the chosen time slot. 更改或取消预约时间必须在所选择的换证时段前不少于一个工作天提出。
- You can select the same time slot every day by clicking a column header for a specific time slot. 可以通过单击特定时间空档的列标题,在每天选择同一个时间空档。
- A character inserted to fill a blank time slot in synchronous transmission, or inserted to fulfill a character-count requirement in transmissi ons of fixed block lengths. 为填满同步传输中空时间间隙或为满足在定长块传输中要求的字符计数而插入的一种字符。
- In TDM (typically used for digital signals) a device is given a specific time slot during which it can use the channel. 在分时多任务(用于数字讯号),给设备一定的时间缝隙来使用信道。
- Arrange a new schedule around that time slot like a walk outside, a play date or a trip to the sandbox. 安排一张新的时间表,在那段时间空挡散散步、约约会或者到沙盒旅行。
- Chinese corporate group, a benefactor of the reserve, had arrived early and hoped to use the morning time slot. 一个中国的企业旅游团,保护区的一个捐助者,到达较早,希望能够利用上午的一段时间。
- Dong Yanjie indicated that hsdpa and r4 under the frequency same time slot condition, disturb mutually and serious. 董炎杰表示,hsdpa与r4在同频同时隙条件下,互干扰及其严重。