- Arrow keys move one line at a time also. 箭头键还可以一次移动一行。
- Reads the input stream, one line at a time. 读取输入流,一次一行。
- UP ARROW -- Sc_oll backward through a document one line at a time. 截至箭--通过一个文件卷轴落后于一线的时刻.
- Demonstrates how to open and read a text file one line at a time. 演示如何打开文本文件并一次读取一行。
- The debugger enables you to execute code one line at a time. 要逐行执行代码,请执行下列操作
- Line printer Computer output device which prints one line at a time. 电脑输出装置,它每次出整行的字符。
- Line printer: Computer output device which prints one line at a time. 行印机:电脑输出装置,它每次出整行的字符。
- In this section the code is described a few lines at a time. 本节以一次多行的形式来描述代码。
- When debugging, you can execute code one line at a time by stepping into, stepping over, or stepping out of the code. 在调试时,可以通过进入并逐行执行代码、逐行执行代码或跳出代码来一次执行一行代码。
- Step through a program line by line: Each line of the executable program can be executed one line at a time. 步进调试:可执行程序的每一行都可以一次一行的执行。
- Write a program to read the standard input a line at a time. Modify your program to read a word at a time. 编写程序实现从标准输入每次读入一行文本。然后改写程序,每次读入一个单词。
- The TFT/photodiode matrix is normally scanned progressively, one line at a time from top to bottom. 光电二极管矩阵一般是逐行扫描,从上到下每次一行,
- He used to abandon his work for months at a time. 他过去每次放下工作就是几个月。
- Once you are in break mode, you can also step through your code, executing one line at a time so that you can see how the code works. 进入中断模式后,便可以单步执行代码,每次执行一行代码,以便确定代码的运行情况。
- He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time. 他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。
- The application of a network where a dedicated line is used to transmit information. Only one user may employ the resources of the line at a time. 网络的一个应用,采用专用线路来发送信息。同一时间,,只有一个用户可以使用该回路。
- Serialn printer: One which prints a single character at a time. It is different from "line printer" which prints one line at a time. 串联印字机:每次印出一个字符的印字机。有别于每次印出整行的行印机。
- Because the beam of electrons is needed to fabricate each structure, the process is similar to the copying of a manuscript by hand, one line at a time. 由于做出每个结构都需用到电子束,所以这个过程类似于用手一行一行地抄写文稿。
- If only problems would come one at a time! 要是问题一次只发生一个该多好!
- At a time like this, I don't grudge a thing. 在这样的时候,我什么都舍得。