- lime milk grit catcher 石灰乳除砂砾器
- Lime milk and coagulant are added to coagulate suspended solids and oil as well as react with temporary hardness. 投加石灰乳和混凝剂以混凝悬浮固体和油,同时和暂时硬度发生反应。
- When we add Alum into the lime milk,how can this prevent the coating from powdering? 为什么加入明矾等可以阻止这种现象的发生?
- The mixers of both slaking and holding tank are provided with emergency power, to prevent the lime milk to settle down in the tanks. 熟化槽和贮槽的搅拌器都配备应急电源,以防止槽中石灰乳的沉淀。
- As soon as the level of the holding tank reaches the low level switch, the mixer and the lime milk circulation pumps will be interlocked. 当贮槽液面达到低位开关时,搅拌器和石灰乳循环泵将互锁。
- The inputs to the lime milk slaking tank (lime and city water), however, are fed into the tank on a discontinuous basis. 然而,到石灰乳熟化槽的输入(石灰和自来水)是不连续的送到槽内。
- The lime milk pumps are not provided with emergency power. A flexible hose should be provided to flush the circulation line with city water, in case of a power cut. 石灰乳泵没有配备应急电源。应提供一个软管以便在断电时用自来水冲洗循环管路。
- The chemical pretreatment of phosphogypsum with a lime milk solution as a neutralizer, which is often recommended in literature, was not so ideal as the former. 石灰溶液中和法虽是常推荐使用的磷石膏预处理方法,但与柠檬酸溶液预处理法相比,石灰中和磷石膏作缓凝剂的效果并不理想。
- This article analyces the reason for failure of lime milk transter pump, in addition it brings about some suggestions on centrifugal slurry pump design. 结合某水泵厂提供的石灰乳输送泵的设计资料,根据试制的离心渣浆泵出现的失效现象,分析失效原因,研究改进方法,为低比转数离心渣浆泵的设计提出优化设计意见。
- The total system consists of a storage silo with buffer hopper, a lime dosing screw, a lime milk slaking tank, a lime milk holding tank, two lime milk circulation pumps and a circulation line. 整个系统包括一个带有缓冲料斗的贮存筒仓、一个石灰计量螺旋输送机、一个石灰乳熟化槽、一个石灰乳贮槽、两个石灰乳循环泵和一个循环四路。
- It is testified that in the process of extracting phytin ,two step neutralization with lime milk and caustic soda solution is better than one step neutralization with lime milk in stability,product quality and production rate. 对以米糠为原料制备植酸钙过程中用石灰乳一步中和法和用石灰乳烧碱溶液两步中和法的碱中和工艺进行了比较 ,从稳定性、产品质量及产率三个方面证明了采用两步中和法较优
- Feed-grade calcium hydrogen phosphate was prepared by defluorination and neutralization method with wastewater in phosphate fertilizer plant,diatomite,sodium chloride and lime milk as raw materials. 以磷肥厂废水、硅藻土、氯化钠和石灰乳为原料,采用脱氟与中和法制备饲料级磷酸氢钙,并通过正交试验优化了工艺条件。
- My cousin is a baseball player. He is a catcher. 我的表弟是个垒球运动员,他是一个接球员。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- Her hair style was a real eye catcher. 她的发型确实引人注目。
- Mountaineering in a blizzard needs a lot of grit. 在暴风雪中登山需要极大的勇气和毅力。
- The catcher signaled for a low fast ball. 捕手发出投快速低球的信号。
- How can they make me catcher just because I am big? 他们怎么可以因为我块头大,就要我当捕手?
- Grit is spread on roads to make them less slippery in icy weather. 在结冰的天气,在路上撒上砂砾心免路面太滑。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。