- limbic gyrus 边缘回
- isthmus of limbic gyrus 穹窿回峡
- Of or relating to the limbic system. 脑边缘系统的或与之相关的
- Smell registers in the primal brain, known as the limbic system. 嗅觉在最初的大脑,也就是通常所说的边缘系统登记。
- Limbic area regulates the activity of lower centers. 边缘系统调节低级中枢的活动.
- A few PV-IR neurons were seen in CA3 and the dentate gyrus until 38 weeks. 直至38周,CA3和齿状回内才可见到少量PV-IR神经元。
- Focal ischemia also could raise the neurogenesis in hippocampus dentate gyrus. 局灶性脑缺血后亦可增加海马齿状回内神经发生。
- The signals from these nerves travel directly to the limbic system in the brain. 来自这些神经的信号直接传播到大脑中的边缘系统。
- The dentate gyrus controls overactivity from reaching seizure-prone brain cells further along the circuit. 齿状核负责抑制易放电脑细胞的过度活动。
- The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbic or serotoninergic system. 假设的机制包括边缘系统或5-羟色胺能系统功能障碍。
- Physiologically, the fear response is linked to activity in the amygdala of the limbic system. 从生理上说,恐惧中的反应和淋巴结系统中扁桃腺的活动有关。
- It corresponded clinically to a remote ictus, or suddent event many years ago, and anatomically was limited to the superior frontal gyrus. 相应在临床是是早年的突发病灶,解剖上局限在额上回内。
- The limbic association area integrates information relating to affect, motivation, and emotion. 额叶区域显然是涉及有关运动输出更高的作用,但颞的枕骨壁联动是涉及口说与书写语言的作用,边缘的联动区域整合关于情感的讯息。
- Conclusions: The uncus of hippocampus, lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus are the olfactory centre and important tract. 结论:1.;本研究进一步验证了海马回钩、丘脑内侧背核、眶额回为嗅觉中枢及其重要通路。
- The questions were designed to define the operational parameters of his limbic system. 这些问题是被设计来监测他的边缘系统的运作的
- "When a woman gives birth she needs to lose herself in the primitive or limbic part of her brain," Dr Odent said. 奥登特医生说:“当一位女性生产时,她需要自我迷失于她大脑原始的或边缘部分之中。
- It was found that the left gyrus temporalis medius as well as the left gyrus fusiformis were activated by both Chinese and English stimuli. 研究发现,1)中、英文刺激在左侧颞叶中后部及相邻的梭状回激活的脑区非常相似,该脑区可能与语义信息的存储有关。
- Dr Azari was expecting to see activity in the limbic systems of the Christians when they recited the psalm. 在朗诵圣歌时,艾扎瑞博士原本期待看到基督教徒大脑的中枢边缘系统出现活跃现象。
- This is proposed to be a replacement changes for theNPY neuron loss in the hilus of dentate gyrus after seizures. 结论:这可能是对癫痫发作后齿状回门区神经肽Y能神经元缺失的一种代偿性变化。
- And, intriguingly, the only thing that triggered limbic activity in either group was reading the happy story. 令人好奇的是,唯一能够刺激两组人中枢边缘系统活跃的是阅读这篇快乐童话。