- Microinjection experiment showed that Lily pollen tube elongation was inhibited by microinjecting human anti-human FAK antibody . 借助显微注射技术,利用抗体-抗原反应的专一性,向百合花粉管内注射不过膜的FAK抗体,研究其对花粉管伸长生长的影响,结果为:显微注射FAK抗体与其对照相比显著抑制花粉管的伸长。
- Under confocal laser scanning microscopy after immunoflurescence labeling, we found that the dynein intermediate chain-like protein appeared punctated and was co-localization partly with microtubules in cytoplasm of lily pollen tube. 免疫荧光标记及激光共聚焦扫描显微镜观察发现,类细胞质力蛋白中间链在百合花粉管中存在于颗粒状细胞器上; 免疫荧光双标及激光共聚焦扫描显微镜观察发现,百合花粉管中类细胞质力蛋白中间链和微管存在部分共分布。
- Studies on the Culture Solution for Lily Pollen Vitality Test 测定百合花粉生命力的液体培养基研究
- For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the lily. 漂亮的姑娘加上化装,是锦上添花。
- There is a high pollen count in the air. 空气中有很高的花粉计数。
- Stamen is in the middle of a flower and may produce pollen. 雄蕊长在花的中央,能产生花粉。
- lily pollen 百合花粉
- A microscopic fossil, as of a pollen grain or unicellular organism. 微体化石一种微小的化石,如花粉粒或单细胞有机体的化石
- The workers have little pollen baskets on their legs. 工蜂脚上有装花粉的小"篮子"。
- The water lily in the pond is in full blossom now. 池塘里的睡莲正盛开着。
- Anther is a part of a flower that contains the pollen. 花药是花的雄蕊上带花粉的部分。
- You are wasting your time in painting the lily. 你们这是把时间浪费在画蛇添足上。
- The innermost wall of a spore or pollen grain. 内壁孢子或花粉粒最深处的壁
- Pollen sterile blossoms lack normal turgor. 花粉不育的花朵缺乏正常的膨压现象。
- To comment upon this would be to paint the lily. 对此加以评论,将是画蛇添足。
- I am very proud of Lily's capacity. 我真为莉莉的肚量感到骄傲。
- Judy Trenor's summons was very welcome to Lily. 裘蒂·雷诺的邀请使丽莉感到高兴。
- Lily received his words with fresh appreciation. 他的话又一次得到丽莉的赏识。
- One of the golden carp darted from lily to lily. 一尾金色鲤鱼在荷花间嬉戏。
- The pollen is shed directly on the stigma. 花粉直接散落在柱头上。