- He dashed around like a bat out of hell. 他发疯似的横冲直撞。
- The motor cyclist has gone like a bat out of hell toward Baker street. 那骑摩托车的人已风驰电掣地向贝克街驶去了。
- They were moving along like a bat out of hell. 他们一溜烟地跑去了。
- The train went like a bat out of hell towards Euston. 列车飞快地向奥斯顿驶去。
- The motorbike came round the corner like a bat out of hell. 摩托车在拐弯处开得飞快。
- When I saw him tearing out of his front door like a bat out of hell and into the phone-box I thought his wife or one of the kids must have taken ill or something. 我看到他一下子拉开门,拼命地跑进电话亭,我想一定是他妻子或孩子病了,或发生了什么事。
- When I saw him tearing out of his front door like a bat out of hell and into the phone-box I thought his wife of one of the kids must have taken ill or something. 我看见他飞快地从大门跑出来冲进电话亭,心想他老婆或者孩子准是病了什么的。
- Unlike internal-combustion engines, electric motors have full torque, as pulling-power is called, from zero revs.They are thus predisposed to go like a bat out of hell without the aid of a gearbox. 与内燃机不同的是,电力汽车具有完美的扭矩表现,其牵引力也因此得名,从零转速起,就像离弦之箭一样不需要借助加速箱。
- He dashed around like a bat out of hell 他发疯似的横冲直撞.
- I cut Caddy across the car to pick up Jackie Boy heading like a bat out of hell up the hill 我开着我的凯迪拉克穿越车海去追 杰基小子的车,他象只地狱的蝙蝠飞奔而上
- like a bat out of hell 飞似地,风驰电掣
- Yes,the body of a bat looks very much like a mouse. 是的,蝙蝠的身体十分像老鼠。
- Blood is pumping out of his belly like a fountain. 血像喷泉似地从他的腹部涌出。
- Blood was pumping out of his belly like a fountain. 血像喷泉似地从他的腹部涌出。
- A bat is an animal with two wings whose body is very much like a mouse. 蝙蝠是有两个翅膀、身体很像老鼠的动物。
- He shot past me like a bullet out of a gun. 他飞快地从我身旁冲过。
- Blood was pumping out of his back like a fountain. 血像泉水般地从他的背部涌出。
- He whipped out of the room like a shot. 他飞快地冲出房间。
- Mary whipped out of the room like a shot. 玛丽像子弹一样冲出房间。
- The bark shot out of the harbour like a bird. 那艘小船象一只鸟儿似的射出了港口。