- Most of the machine parts available here are made from a new kind of light alloy. 这里采用的大多数机器部件都是由一种新的轻合金制造的。
- The large aluminium alloy casting for military usage. 军用大型铝合金铸件。
- The superstructure is constructed in marine grade light alloy. 上层结构由轻型合金构成。
- Salt water corroded the light alloy frames and the fabric wing-covering. 盐水对轻合金飞机构架和布质机翼蒙皮有腐蚀作用。
- MATERIAL: enclosure in light alloy, external stainless steel bolt and screws. 材质:箱体是轻型合金,外部螺钉和螺杆是不锈钢。
- GENERAL DATA: Enclosure in light alloy with stainless steel bolts and screws. 箱体的材质是轻型合金,螺钉和螺杆是不锈钢。
- The rolls are made of chilled alloy cast iron with wear-resistant hard surface. 该卷制成的冷冻合金铸铁与耐磨材料坚硬表面。
- The casting technique for a huge aluminum alloy casting is studied by hydrodynamics simulation using Lucite mould. 采用水力模拟试验方法,对某特大型铝合金铸件的铸造工艺进行模拟研究。
- The casting and remelted microstructures of ZL201 alloy cast by liquidus semi-continuous casting(LSC)were studied. 研究了近液相线半连续铸造ZL201合金的微观组织及其在二次加热过程中的变化。
- GENERAL DATA: Enclosure in light alloy with external bolts and screws in stainless steel. 箱体的材质是轻型合金,外部螺钉和螺纹是不锈钢。
- Coating of sodium silicate alumina caly for aluminium alloy casting in green sand mold is studied. 试验研究了应用于湿砂型铝合金铸件的以水玻璃为基、铝钒土为耐火填料的徐料。
- It is not possible to make this light alloy by melting the small part of copper and then adding the much larger part of aluminium. 在炼这种轻质合金时,就不能先熔小部分的铜,再加进大部分铝。
- This plant has rich manufacturing experiences for the aluminum alloy casting relevant to automobile, motorcar, various machinery, foreign trade and railway. 具有丰富的铸铝件生产经验,涉及汽车、摩托车、各类机械及外贸、铁路等产品。
- GENERAL DATA: Enclosure in light alloy with external bolts and screws and accessories (hammer, chain, glass stop ring, etc.) In stainless steel. 箱体的材质是轻型合金,外部螺钉和螺杆、附件是不锈钢,(铁锤、铁链、玻璃环等)
- Solid cages for SKF bearings are made from brass, steel, light alloy, polymer or fabric reinforced phenolic resin (fig). SKF轴承用的实体保持架是用黄铜、钢、轻合金、尼龙或纤维增强酚醛树脂制造的(图7)。
- The boxes of this series are used for pulling and joining conductors. Constructed in anticorrosive light alloy and supplied with flat cover. 这种接线盒用于拉伸和连接电线。接线盒由防腐蚀的轻型合金制成,盒子外带有平盖。
- Under the rules of "Easy-strippable sinterning layer theory, a new foundry coating has been developed speciallly for large copper alloy casting. 大型铜合金铸件铸型涂料是为实现烧结剥离型铸型涂料系列化和引进技术国产化而研制的新型涂料,具有较高的理论和实用意义。
- It comes with 18-inch AMG light alloy wheels, a sports suspension, two-tone interior leather and a sports pedal cluster among others. 它配备了18英寸的AMG轻合金轮毂,运动悬挂,双色调内饰皮革和运动踏板组等.
- Feeding effect can be improved with qualified casting using side-riser gating system for plate or heavy concave aluminum alloy casting. 对于平板类、大凹型类铝合金铸件,采用边侧冒口的浇注系统,能提高铸件的补缩效果,生产出合格铸件。
- Chlorinated water main products are manganese, aluminum manganese alloy, polypropylene and ammonium alloy casting agents from loss. 主要产品有无水氯化锰,铝锰合金,聚丙烯酸铵和合金浇铸脱摸剂等。