- His face lit up with pleasure when she came in. 她进来的时候,他马上喜笑顏开。
- be visibly pleased; light up with pleasure 喜行于色
- Her face lit up with pleasure . 她脸上焕发着喜色。
- His face lit up with pleasure. 他的脸上散发着喜悦。
- Her face lit up with pleasure. 她脸上焕发着喜色。
- They surely make people's eyes light up with delight! 的确让人眼前一亮啊!
- Yes, yes. They make people's eyes light up with delight. 对对对。让人眼前一亮。
- We sat up with pleasure when he suddenly lashed out at the officials. 他突然攻击起来那些官员时,我们顿时挺身而坐,饶有兴趣地倾听起来。
- a face lit up with pleasure; visibly pleased; beaming with happiness 喜形于色
- light up with pleasure (脸)露出高兴的表情
- His face lit up with sudden excitement . 他的面部表情突然激动起来。
- His style is lighted up with flashes of wit. 他的文体闪耀着智慧的光芒。
- His face lit up with sudden excitement. 他的面部表情突然激动起来。
- The night sky was lit up with fireworks. 焰火使夜空一片灿烂辉煌。
- The area is lit up with neon lights. 这一带地区被霓虹灯照的明亮。
- All the streets were lit up with electricity. 所有的街道上电灯通明。
- His face lit up with joy when he heard the good news. 他听见这个好消息时,笑逐颜开。
- When our unit passed ,her eyes lit up with recognition . 我们部队经过时,她认出了我们,眼睛顿时充满喜悦之情。
- When our unit passed,her eyes lighted up with recognition. 我们部队经过时,她认出了我们,眼睛顿时亮了起来。
- When our unit passed,her eyes lit up with recognition. 我们部队经过时,她认出了我们,眼睛顿时充满喜悦之情。