- The Light Rail System serves the new towns in the northwest New Territories. 轻便铁路系统为新界西北部的新市镇提供服务。
- Citing costs of construction, Tom DeLay, the powerful Republican Whip of the House of Representatives, has moved to block funds for a proposed light rail system in Houston. 颇有影响力的共和党众议院领袖汤姆 - 德雷以建设费用为例,提议组织对休斯敦轻轨工程进行投资。
- Mr Ho unveiled a 10.2bn pataca stimulus package to counter the slowdown, with investment focused on public housing, the territory's first light rail system and other infrastructure projects. 何厚铧公布了102亿澳门元的刺激方案以对抗经济放缓,投资重点是公共住房建设,澳门首个轻轨系统和其他基础设施项目。
- Vice-president Al Gore recently proposed a 10-year, Dollars 25bn "Keep America Moving" initiative to develop more light rail systems. 副总统戈尔最近提出了一项历时10年、耗资250亿美元的“让美国保持运转”计划,目的是发展更多的轻轨系统。
- Hong Kong's rail system comprises a heavily utilised urban railway (the Mass Transit Railway-MTR),a busy suburban railway (the Kowloon-Canton Railway - KCR),and the Light Rail (LR). 现有铁路系统包括使用量极高的市区铁路(地下铁路)、繁忙的近郊铁路(九广铁路)及轻便铁路。
- Tobias Heinemann,36, who in May became the youngest managing director of Berlin's light rail system, said in an interview with Bild newspaper published Monday he had been a" Schwarzfahrer"( fare dodger) years ago. 柏林(透社)-柏林本地铁路系统新任领导承认过去他是一个逃票乘客,但是从七年多前就,已不乘坐本地火车,如今是乘坐公车也不买票。
- Hong Kong's rail system comprises a heavily utilised urban railway (the Mass Transit Railway-MTR), a busy suburban railway (the Kowloon-Canton Railway - KCR), and the Light Rail (LR). 现有铁路系统包括使用量极高的市区铁路(地下铁路)、繁忙的近郊铁路(九广铁路)及轻便铁路。
- This will become the actual AIR RAIL system itself. 这将成为实际的空气喷射系统本身。
- It's get to the outdoor park by light rail. 乘轻轨电车到户外公园又快又便利。
- A light rail vehicle crossing box marking. 表示轻铁列车会经过路口的方格标记。
- Where is the light rail station, please? 请问轻轨站在哪儿?
- The continental rail system has a perfect luggage service. 欧洲大陆的铁路行李托运是非常完美的。
- Where you can, use light rail + mass transit. 可以的话,搭乘轻轨和公共交通工具。
- Now on Light Rail, the MTR some misunderstanding. 现在对轻轨、地铁有些人有误解。
- Nothing to worry about.The rail system has a luggage registration service. 别担心,铁路系统提供行李托运服务。
- light rail system 轻轨铁路系统
- There are Tri-State Rail System trains leaving every half hour for the city. 三州铁路系统开往这个城市的火车每半个小时一班。
- Question 8: the city rail transit shall adopt light rail or subway? 问题8:都市区轨道是轻轨还是地铁形式?答:均为地铁形式。
- Light Rail stops are located on raised platforms adjoining tracks. 轻铁车站设于路轨旁边的月台上。
- One of the most noteworthy is the Light Rail Xizhimen station. 其中最值得一提的就是轻轨西直门站。