- Effects of Different Light Qualities on Root Growth and Development of Test-tube Plantlets of Vitis vinifera L. 不同光质对葡萄试管苗根系生长的影响。
- Light quality had no effect on photosynthetic performance. 光质则对光合作用表现无显著效应。
- Not only soluble solids( SSC), titratable acidity( TA), but also SSC/ TA ratio was influenced by light quality. 而干物质向果实、状茎和根系中的分配比例均以蓝膜最高,其次为红膜,绿膜最低,黄膜与中性膜相近。
- This equipment is suitable for the domestic and intemational flotation deinking of different wasted paper.While deinking,some light qualities glue things and light quality plastics,etc,can be got rid of rmarkably. 该设备适用于国内外各种废纸的浮选脱墨,并在去除油墨的同时,一些轻质粘结物和轻质塑料等可以显著地被去除。
- If indoor light is insufficient, can increase between each room pervious to light quality, mutual " excuse me " . 如室内光线不足,可在各房间之间增强透光性,互相“借光”。
- Light quality didn't affect growth performance of Glaucous oak, which was better under sun then deep shade. 青刚栎之生长表现多对光质无反应,于低光量对茎部之分配减少,生长停滞,在高光量下则有较佳的生长。
- The Significance of Ballast to Lighting Quality and Efficiency? 镇流器对照明质量和照明能效的意义?
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- To explores effects of light quality on anthraquinones constituents in roots of Rumex gmelini Turcz. 通过红色、黄色、绿色、蓝色滤光膜对毛脉酸模进行遮膜处理。
- The less subculture time of the callus was, the significant influence of the light quality was. 愈伤组织的继代次数越少,光质的影响越显著。
- The apparent quantum efficiency( AQY), photorespiratory rate( Pr) and carboxylation efficiency( CE) also were strongly affected by light quality. 不同光质对草莓叶片的表观量子效率、化效率及光呼吸速率影响较大。
- With the halogen powder producing lamp tube, the light quality is low and massive uses can cause the serious light pollution. 用卤粉生产的灯管,光的质量低下,大量使用会引起严重的光污染。
- The construction gypsum, whitewashes the gypsum, excels in the gypsum of powder, the building plasterboard, high and light quality inner wall brick, the gypsum crystal and so on. 建筑石膏粉、粉刷石膏粉、高强石膏粉、建筑石膏板、高强轻质内墙砖等建材石膏系列产品,石膏晶须等。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
- Longan embryogenic calli were used as materials for investigating the effects of light quality on the growth and the changes of enzymatic activities of POD, CAT and SOD. 摘要试验以龙眼胚性愈伤组织为材料,研究不同的光质处理对龙眼胚性愈伤组织生长和过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- Now I begin to see light on their good intentions. 现在我对他们的良好动机开始有所领会了。
- The floor cavity packing light quality padding, the principal constituent for the cement, the foaming agent, its function is: Enhances the floor intensity, rigid bearing capacity. 地板内腔填充轻质填料,主要成分为水泥、发泡剂,其作用为:提高地板强度、刚性承载能力。
- The bright light of the car dazzled me. 这汽车的灯光使我目眩。
- This compound materials used in absorbing material is with sound absorbing function and light quality, wide band, good compatibility and strong inoxidizability. 这种复合材料用于吸波材料,它不仅具备良好的吸波功能,还兼备质量轻、宽频带、兼容性好和耐腐蚀性强等优点。