- Simulation of Light Propagation in Fiber Optic Taper by Mone Carlo Method[J]. 引用该论文 孙爱娟;田维坚;屈有山;卜江萍;王耀祥.
- Monte-Carlo Simulations for Light Propagation in Striated Scattering Medium[J]. 引用该论文 王建岗;王桂英;徐至展.
- Our physical picture of guided light propagation is that of light traveling in zigzag fashion through the film. 导波光的传播的物理图象就是光按Z字形方式通过薄膜传输。
- The simplest explanation of aberration is the analogy of light propagation to the fall of raindrops. 对光行差的最简单的解释,是把光的传播同雨点的下落作类比。
- First, why do we get light propagating at all? 首先,我们来看看光为什么可以传播?
- Bigelow M S, Lepeshkin N N, Boyd R W.Superluminal and slow light propagation in a room temperature solid [J]. 黄志洵.;超光速研究--相对论、量子力学、电子学与信息理论的交汇点[M]
- Recently, the study of subluminal and superluminal light propagation has attracted a great deal of interest. 光速减慢和超光速的光脉冲传播研究成为量子光学中的热门课题。
- In the paper, the NLOS light propagation model based on Monte Carlo method is described in detail. 研究表明,该模型与单次散射近似应用在近距离、天气条件好时NLOS传输的模拟结果比较吻合。
- Light propagation is described by paraxial wave equations and solved by a phase-screen method combined with the FFT technique. 光在流场中的传输采用傍轴近似光波传输方程描述,用相屏法和快速傅里叶变换(FFT)技术求解。
- The atmospheric aerosol has important influence to atmospheric radiation and light propagation, but scale height is the key parameter which reflects aerosol height distribution. 大气气溶胶对大气辐射和光传播具有重要影响,而标高是反映气溶胶高度分布特征的关键参量。
- Moreover,this method is more simple and suitable than BPM because the light absorption has been taken into account during light propagation in the materials. 与BPM法相比 ,此法最大的优点是在计算中考虑了材料对传播光的吸收 ,而BPM法是在光场达到稳定分布后再考虑吸收 ,故在理论上此方法更加接近实际。
- With equivalent conductance method, the geometry optics theory of step fiber, the light propagation characteristics of Bragg fiber structures have been researched in this paper. 摘要用薄膜光学的等效导纳方法和阶跃光纤的几何光学理论研究布拉格光纤的传输特性。
- The negetive effects of printing media on the light propagation of color reproduction, first surface reflection, absorption and multiple internal reflection ect, can be attributed to the defect or extension of dot areas. 网目调地图彩色印刷颜色再现 ,由于光在油墨和纸张第一表面上的反射和光在油墨和纸张内部的多重反射 ,将产生网点在转移过程中面积率的扩张和亏损。
- Under the condition of the same total power, both large single beam and small multi-beam can enlarge the lateral area of the light propagation effectively, but the maximal light absorption rate increases for latter approach. 在总功率相同的情况下,使用单束大功率宽光源与多束功率较小的小光斑光源均能明显地增大光的侧向传播距离,但使用多束功率较小的小光斑光辐照时生物组织中的最大光吸收率增大。
- L. Novotny、D. w. Pohl、P. Regli , ”Light propagation through nanometer sized structures : the two-dimension aperture scanning near-field optical microscope”, J. Opt. Soc. Am.A. , pp. 1768-1779 (1994). 白益豪;”射频磁控溅镀五氧化二钽薄膜之光学性质与微结构研究”;国立中兴大学材料工程学研究所硕士论文(2003).
- The single-scattering theory is always used to study the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) light propagation, but when it is used for long distance or under complicated weather, much larger error will occur. 非视线(NLOS)光传输信道的研究目前常用单次散射近似方法,在进行较远距离、复杂天气条件下NLOS光传输模拟时误差很大,为此,本文提出并建立了一种基于蒙特卡罗方法NLOS光传输模型。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- Biological tissues are a kind of high scattering random media, studies on laser light propagation and distribution in biological tissues play an important role in therapeutics and diagnostics. 生物组织是一种高散射随机介质,对高散射随机介质中光的传播问题的对激光生物医学诊断和治疗具有十分重要的意义。
- The refractive indices of crystal for electrooptic and gyrotropic effect by fast and slow lights in arbitrary directions of dc field and light propagation are calculated. 计算了电光和旋光效应中,当外界电场方向和传播方向任意时晶体的折射率。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。