- She drew the curtain close and turned up the lamp. 她把窗帘拉上,把灯拔亮了一些。
- Lift up the pilot's bag from the pilot boat. 把领航员的包从领航艇上吊上来。
- She rolls up the curtain and sees moon rays in get. 玉户帘中卷不去
- Help me lift up the stone, will you? 帮我抬起这块石头好吗?
- lift up the curtain 撩起窗帘
- The ease with which he lifted up the huge rock quite surprised us. 他轻而易举地举起那块大石头,使我们大吃一惊。
- We'll have to lift up the car to get her out. 我们得把车子抬起,才能救她出来。
- Would you help me to lift up the patient, please? 请帮我把病人托起。
- To open the gate, lift up the latch. 要打开大门, 先把门闩提起来。
- Lift up the car , remove wheels. 首先升起汽车,卸下轮?b。
- To open the gate lift up the latch . 要打开大门先把门闩提起来。
- It's time to ring up the curtain on the opening scene. 该鸣铃开始演出序幕了。
- With a heave, he lifted up the heavy suitcase. 他一使劲把那只沉重的衣箱提了起来。
- Did you cut corners when you put up the curtains? 你挂窗帘的时候是不是偷工减料了啊?
- Music lifted up the listening spirit. 音乐净化升华了倾听它的心灵。
- The helicopter lifted up the steel pylon, transported it to the site, and dropped it gently into place. 直升飞机把高压电缆铁塔吊起,运至工地,然后轻轻放下使之就位。
- He lifted up the rock without effort. 他毫不费力地举起石头。
- Lift up the chair and I want to clean the carpet underneath it. 你把椅子搬起来,我想清扫椅子下面的地毯。
- Lift up those books and bring me the paper that's under them. 拿开那些书并把它们下面的文件递给我。
- The $100-a-plate dinner rang up the curtain on the hospital's fund-raising driver. 那次100美元一客的宴会是该医院筹款运动的起始。