- I have a life threatening allergy to shellfish. 我对甲壳类动物过敏,有致命危险。
- It is very unhealthy and life threatening to be on a poor diet. 不当的节食是不健康的,甚至会危及生命。
- For any emergency inside or outside the school facility that is consider life threatening, adult by-stander or parent MUST call 911 and immediately notify GCS staff for further assistance. 任何有生命威胁的紧急事件,不管是在校内或校外,在场的大人或家长必须打电话给九一一并且立刻通知盖城的工作人员以取得进一步的帮助。
- Bleeding may be chronic and insidious or brisk and life threatening. 出血可以是慢性和隐袭的,或是活跃和危及生命的。
- But while broken bones can be painful, they are generally not life threatening. 尽管骨折会很痛,但不致命。
- Complications from conventional and tension-free hernia repair are few and not life threatening. 无张力手术和传统手术后的并发症并不多,而且不危及生命。
- Some firms will find it "life threatening" to improve the funding of their pension schemes, pension regulators warn. 有些厂商会感到"生命"提高资金的退休金、抚恤金监管警告。
- Even with modern icebreakers, travelling to the freezing waters of the Antarctic may still be life threatening. 即使乘坐现代的破冰船,前往严寒的南极仍然要冒生命危险。
- "Not knowing if this episode was life threatening made it even more exhausting," the statement continued. "不知道,如果这件事是危及生命了,更是疲于奔命,"声明接着说。
- He was then slowly reintroduced to food, a process doctors say could be life threatening. 可知,进食对他来说是个威胁生命的过程。
- This response ranges from mild cutaneous reactions, such as pruritus and urticaria, to life threatening cardiovascular collapse. 反应包括较轻的皮肤反应如瘙痒和荨麻疹,严重者则危及生命,如心血管性虚脱。
- Headache (cephalalgia) is a common symptom, often associated with disability, but rarely life threatening. 头痛是一种常见症状,常常与功能障碍有关,但很少危及生命。
- The United Nations describes the crisis affecting Tajikistan as life threatening. 联合国说,塔吉克斯坦的这场危机危及当地人的生命。
- Take no more than two tablet each time. It is life threatening to take three tablets. 这些药你每次服用时不得超过两片。服三片就可能有生命危险。
- It is life threatening to the patient and potentially life threatening to others if the patient gets homicidal. 如果患者变得有杀人倾向的话,就会对患者的生命造成威胁,也会对其他人的生命造成潜在威胁。
- The most common injuries were broken ankles and legs, none of which were life threatening. 据悉,伤者主要是脚踝和腿部受伤,不过均无生命危险。
- I believe this is the first time there is a life threatening connotation happening here with the bees. 我相信这是第一时间蜜蜂在这里的发生有一种生命危险的含义。
- Bijay Ketan Pattnaik, an Environment official with Orissa government says rising sea levels will also threaten emerging tourist resorts and industry. 奥利沙政府的环境官员帕特耐克说,海平面上升也威胁这里的新兴观光别墅和观光业。
- Headache (cephalalgia) is a common symptom, often a ociated with disability, but rarely life threatening. 头痛是一种常见症状,常常与功能障碍有关,但很少危及生命。
- This rough life threatened to injure his health,but he didn't mind. 这种艰苦生活看来要损害他的健康,但他并不介意。