- A prisoner serving a life sentence. 无期徒刑犯服无期徒刑的犯人
- The murderer was given a life sentence. 杀人凶手被判无期徒刑。
- The severely sentenced prisoners' chains clanked as they walked. 被判重刑的囚犯们行走时,铁链当啷作响。
- The offence carries a mandatory life sentence. 这种罪行依照法律要判无期徒刑。
- The murderer received a life sentence. 该凶犯被判无期徒刑。
- He is also a homicidal sociopath serving a life sentence in a maximum security prison... 遽料,彼得不但是个杀人不眨眼的凶徒,兼且是个头脑精密的犯罪天才。
- Within your own prison, there is no parole, and you are serving a life sentence. 你将终身困在这处监狱里,不会重获自由。
- In the film, Lee Gang-sik (played by Cha Seung-won) is a criminal, who serves a life sentence in prison after being convicted of murder and robbery. 影片正是通过这种画外音的形式表现出这对父子之间发生的的喜怒哀乐,让故事的结构更加饱满。
- The snag is that he is in an Israeli prison, serving five life sentences for murder during the intifada (uprising) that began in 2000. 但问题是他真被关押于以色列监狱,因在2000年开始的抗暴行动中谋杀,正在服5年的刑期。
- Compared with life sentence, I think death penalty is crueler. 我觉得无期徒刑比死刑更残酷。
- The mass murderer was given three concurrent life sentences. 那个屠杀群众的凶手被同时判处并执行三个无期徒刑。
- She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence. 她被判终身监禁服刑十年后被赦免了。
- The murderer was given three life sentences, to run concurrently. 这个杀人犯被判处三项无期徒刑,同时执行。
- The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen. 被判无期徒刑的囚犯数目下降了。
- It says here you've served thirty years of a life sentence. 档案上看你已服了三十年的终生监禁。
- Jackson was sentenced to life in prison. 杰克逊被判入狱。
- We see by your file you've served twenty years of a life sentence. 我们从档案上看到你已服了二十年的终生监禁?
- I hereby order you to servetwo life sentences back-to-back. 特此判处你两项终生监禁。
- The other life sentences were commuted within the next few years. 其他终身监禁也该判为有期徒刑。
- In my opinion, life sentence is crueler than death penalty. 我觉得无期徒刑比死刑更残酷。