- She had led a life of luxury and privilege. 她过著养尊处优的生活。
- He once led a life of luxury and dissipation. 他以前过的是纸醉金迷的生活。
- Do not cling to a life of luxury and dissipation. 请不要再迷恋金迷纸醉的生活了。
- life of luxury and indolence 奢华怠惰的生活
- That young man lived a life of luxury. 那年轻人过著奢侈的生活。
- A life of luxury and ease. 富裕轻松的生活
- He left his successful business and life of luxury to become a monk. 他放弃了成功的事业及奢侈的生活而去当修道士。
- She had led a life of luxury and privilege 她过著养尊处优的生活。
- You were born in the lap of luxury and I was born in the street. 你生在大富大贵之家,而我呢,是生在街上的。
- a life of luxury and ease; he had all the material comforts of this world 他们在农村过着安逸的生活
- a life of luxury and ease; he had all the material comforts of this world. 他们在农村过着安逸的生活。
- She contrasted her present life of luxury with the poverty of her childhood. 她将现在奢侈的生活和孩童时代贫穷的生活进行对比。
- The chiefs of all the villages were weltering in luxury and pleasure. 所有的村庄的头领都沉迷于骄奢淫逸之中。
- We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity. 我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。
- He was reared in the lap of luxury. 他在奢侈的环境中长大。
- Silliness,ignorance and indolence are very costly! 愚蠢、无知和懒惰是要付出代价的!
- Gautama's father was the king of Kapilavastu in Magadha, and Gautama was born a prince, destined to a life of luxury. 未来的佛陀已经实现了十个福德(波罗密),为了拯救这个世界,他出生于我们这个时期里,成为了一个完全成道的佛陀。
- A democratic may of life is a life of give and take. 民主的生活方式是一种公平交换的生活。
- She was brought up in the lap of luxury. 她从小养尊处优。
- He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生。