- life insurance for groups 团体人寿险
- A tax-free "death gratuity," now $12,420, would grow to $100,000.The government would also pay for $150,000 in life insurance for troops. 抚恤金要从现在的1万多提高到10万,政府也要为每位战士买价值15万的保险。
- Many rich men have their lives insured for great amounts. 一些富人为自己生命投了大额保额。
- The term “reserves for life insurance liabilities” refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired life insurance liabilities. 寿险责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的人寿保险责任提取的准备金。
- Life insurance for estate planning 人寿保险在遗产安排中的应用
- Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co. 千代田寿险公司(日本)
- A life insurance policy may serve as security for a loan. 人寿保险可作贷款的抵押。
- He paid premiums on his life insurance last year. 他去年付了人寿保险费。
- The reason of getting life insurance now is to plan for the future. 因为现在拥有一份人寿保险就等如为将来计划。
- We have purchased fire insurance for our business. 我们已经为自己的公司买了火险。
- Control acts as a container for groups of. 控件组的容器。
- It can be used for groups of people or things. 常用于大量的货物或很多人。
- Life Insurance for the Rural Elderly Based on an Actuarial Model 基于精算模型的农村养老保险研究
- What special terms are there for groups? 团体有什么附加费用?
- Where can I buy the insurance for passenger? 在哪买旅客人身保险?
- The dances were generally choreographed for groups. 大多是集体舞蹈。
- He has $100,000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first. 他有十万美元的人寿保险,如果他先去世,他的妻子将得到这笔钱。
- Have you taken out insurance for us on these goods? 贵方是否已代我方对此货物投保?
- Discounts for groups according to class. 按团体班折扣优惠。
- Alex has taken out life insurance. 亚历克斯已经办好人寿保险。