- life insurance company shares 人寿保险公司的股本
- China Life Insurance Company Ltd. 中国人寿保险公司
- Welcome to TaiKang Life Insurance Company! 欢迎光临泰康人寿保险公司!
- China Life Insurance Company BJ Chongwen District Co. 中国人寿保险北京市宣武区公司。
- China Life Insurance Company BJ Shijingshan District Co. 中国人寿保险北京市石景山区公司。
- Prior to Townsend Reuters survey, analysts on average expected 19 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's first quarter earnings of 34 cents per share. 此前汤森路透集团调查的19位分析师平均预期大都会人寿保险公司第一财季每股收益34美分。
- The shares of a joint-equity life insurance company directly or indirectly held by a foreign insurance company shall not exceed the limit of proportion as stipulated in the preceding paragraph. 外国保险公司直接或者间接持有的合资寿险公司股份,不得超过前款规定的比例限制。
- The Nautilus Insurance Company was renamed the Ndw York Life Insurance Company. 险公司更名为纽约人寿保险公司。
- Source of information: CIGNA Worldwide Life Insurance Company Limited. 资料来源:信诺环球人寿保险有限公司.
- After completion, please return to Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited. 填妥后,请交回英杰华人寿保险有限公司。
- Insurance of share out bonus is to point to insurance company the profit that its price of excel of actual operation result assumes, have new product of divider life insurance to guarantee slip holder by certain proportion. 分红保险是指保险公司将其实际经营成果优于定价假设的盈余,按一定比例向保单持有人进行分配的人寿保险新产品。
- China Ping An holding the establishment of the China Pingan Life Insurance Company. 中国平安控股设立中国平安人寿保险股份有限公司。
- This is the first branch license granted by CIRC to a foreign invested joint-venture life insurance company in China. 此乃中国保监会向中外合资寿险公司发出的首个分公司牌照。
- I authorise Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited to charge the premium due to my credit card account. 本人现授权英杰华人寿保险有限公司于本人信用卡账户中扣除应缴之保费。
- The source of interest rate risk of life insurance Company"s Subordinated Debt financing is higher anticipant yield. 由于各种利率风险的特性不同,因此在规避和控制该风险上也应该采用不同的方法。
- Source: CIGNA Worldwide Life Insurance Company Limited, NAV to NAV, as of October 31, 2007. 資料來源:信諾環球人壽保險有限公司,美元資產淨值比較,截止2007年10月31日。
- Study Development of Chinese Life Insurance Companies Based on Core Competence. 基于核心竞争能力的中国寿险业发展研究。
- He bought oil company shares on spec. 他冒著风险购买石油公司的股份。
- Manulife currently ranks as the fourth largest life insurance company in the Philippines, as measured by total individual premium income. 按个人保费收入总额计算,宏利目前为菲律宾第四大人寿保险公司。
- A life insurance company contract that pays periodic income benefits for a specific period of time or over the course of the annuitant's lifetime. 在特定期间定期定额支付的款项。是指在约定的时间内,按年度支付相等金额的款项。例如,保险公司每年的年金、退休金等。