- Life history traits of mictic females in two strains of Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifera). 除草剂草甘膦对萼花臂尾轮虫生活史特征的影响。
- In addition, the level of larval competition may influence the size of emergent adults, and this in turn affects the life history traits of the adult. 曾经历幼虫竞争之四纹豆象成虫在体型上会有所改变,而体型大小又与生活史特徵的表现有关。
- Abstract Life history traits, population dynamics and insectivorous habits of Drosera peltata var.glabrata were primarily studied in both natural and cultivated population. 提 要 通过2年野外观察和栽培实验,对光萼茅膏菜的生活史特征、种群动态以及食虫习性进行了初步研究。
- We may track heritable changes across genotypes and morphology (physical form), as well as across life history traits such as virulence, transmissibility, host specificity and reproductive rate. 我们可以在基因型与形态(体型)之间,以及在各个阶段的生命史特徵,像是毒性、传染力、宿主专一性与生殖率等之间,追踪遗传变化;
- Wang CH, SK Lu, CW Chang, YT Wang and WN Tzeng (2004) Early life history traits of Sillaginids (Sillago spp.) in the northern Taiwan as indicated from otolith daily growth increment. 张美瑜、曾万年、王友慈、张至维(2004)台湾东北部及西部沿岸河口域虾虎科仔稚鱼种类组成的时空变化。
- One Mate or Two? Life History Traits and Reproductive Variation in Low-Income Women 低收入女性的生活史特质与繁衍策略的关系
- Keywords Takydromus septentrionalis;life history trait;geographic variation;sexual dimorphism;reproduction;incubation;hatchling phenotype;mtDNA;genetic structure;phylogeny; 北草蜥;生活史特征;地理变异;两性异形;繁殖;孵化;幼体表型;线粒体DNA;遗传结构;系统演化;
- life history traits 生活史性状
- She told me of her life history. 她把她的生活经历告诉了我。
- He asked a little about my life history. 他简单地问了一下我的履历。
- The life history handed down in his community. 个人的生活史首先是适应他的社团世代相传形成的生活方式和准则。
- This is not an invitation to give your life history. 这一问题并非在请你大谈你的个人历史。
- The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. 个人的生活史,首先就是适应他的社团中祖祖辈辈传下来的行为模式和准则的历史。
- F.Changes in the life history of Abbottina rivularis in Lake Fuxian. 中国圆田螺典型精子及其发生的超微结构研究。
- The video is about the life histories of Hoopoe in Kinmen. 这部片就是叙述戴胜在金门的生活史。
- Hydraulic compensation in northern Rocky Mountain conifers: does successional position and life history matter? 补偿作用是否与演替位置和生活史相关?
- The ecological implication of this life history strategy of rice water weevil was discussed. 文中讨论了双季稻区稻水象甲生活史对策的适应意义。
- My knowledge about her life history is limited; I have not yet had an opportunity to read Excuse Me,Are You a Model? 我对她的过去所知不多,我未曾有机会阅读她的著作《对不起,你是模特儿吗?》。
- Their life history to date, although short, has been interesting and rather hectic. 它们的历史虽然很短,却十分引人注意,也相当热门。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。