- Article 38 Women's right of life and health shall be inviolable. 第三十八条妇女的生命健康权不受侵犯。
- Food is one of the three elements which made up human life and health. 食品是构成人类生命和健康的三大要素之一。
- The 2.5 million year old Ginkgo brims with amazing stories of life and health. 来自而已五千年前的银杏,蕴含着健康生命的传奇。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Public health facilities are a necessary guarantee for the human rights of life and health. 卫生事业是保障人的生命健康权的必要条件。
- China has adopted practical measures to develop hygienic and health care undertakings for children, protecting the life and health of children. 中国采取切实措施,发展儿童卫生保健事业,保障儿童的生命健康。
- It still offers a profit-sharing plan,life and health insurance,and a variety of other benefits. 公司现在仍实行利润分享计划,员工还享受人寿保险和健康保险及一系列其他利益。
- It still offers a profit-sharing plan, life and health insurance, and a variety of other benefits. 公司现在仍实行利润分享计划,员工还享受人寿保险和健康保险及一系列其他利益。
- Objects of insurance refer to property or related interest insured or life and health of a person insured. 保险标的是指作为保险对象的财产及其有关利益或者人的寿命和身体。
- Sunshine and health often go together. 有了阳光往往就有健康。
- Over the years, a total of over 3,000 sq. m. of murals and color sculptures in imminent danger have been brought back to life and health here. 多年来,共有三千多平方米濒危壁画和百余身彩塑在这里起死回生。
- Because medical science servers for human, which involve life and health, there are specialties for medical science. 现代医学服务的对象是人,涉及到人的生命和健康,故有其相应的特殊性。
- It is a matter of life and death for them. 这事对他们来说是生死攸关。
- The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a movement to save human life and health. 国际红十字会和红新月会运动是为了挽救人类的生命和健康。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。
- Environmental estrogens have directly threatened the existing of wild life and health of human beings. 环境雌激素的存在直接威胁野生动物的生存和人类健康,其作用机制及筛选方法研究已成为热点。
- The dust weather, which encroaches on Beijing many times in recent years, is detrimental to people's life and health. 摘要近年来,北京多次受到沙尘天气侵扰,给居民的生活和健康带来不利影响。
- The picture is instinct with life and beauty. 这幅画充满着生机,美极了。
- The nursing quality directly influences patients' life and health as well as medical safety. 护理质量直接影响病人的生命和健康,也影响医院医疗安全。
- The investigated workers have lowlevel of safety and health conciousness,and more unhealthy behavior in life and work. 采用问卷调查、查阅档案、现场观察进行调查。