- Once these movements stop, it means that the life activities ceaseand death ensues. 一旦这些运动停止了,便意味这生命活动的终止和死亡的发生。
- Practice philosophy concerns common problems, that is, the theme of human life activities, the existence. 实践哲学关注共同的问题域,即现实人类的生命活动、生存本身等主题。
- Lifestyle should consist of both life activities and productive activities,all of which are continuous activities. 生活方式应当既包括生活活动,又包括生产活动,是一种连续的行为。
- In recent years, biological rhythms with different periodicity have been found in many fields of life activities. 目前无论在基础理论研究还是临床应用研究,时间生物学均显示出了强劲的发展势头。
- Study on proteomics can explain the protein biological function of executing life activities expressed by genome. 蛋白质组学能阐明基因组所表达的执行生命活动的蛋白生物学功能。
- But sometimes, due to daily basic life activities, I find it hard to fulfill this requirement. Please give me some advice about this dilemma. 不过,有时候因为一些日常生活的活动,我发现打坐的时间很难达到这个标准,面对这样两难的情况,请师父给我一些建议。
- If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. 如果你这样吃水果,将会对你有很大的好处,如排除你体内的毒素,并为你的减肥和其它活动提供大量能量。
- Ankyrin repeats,as one of the most commonly protein motifs,are involved in diverse protein-protein interactions in various life activities. 锚蛋白重复序列模体是生物体内最普遍的蛋白质序列模体之一,在多种细胞活动中主要介导蛋白质-蛋白质的相互作用。
- After birth, the prenatal Essence depends on the postnatal Essence to cultivate and enrich so as to maintain life activities. 人生下来之后,先天之精又要靠后天之精的培养和补充才能使生命活动生生不息。
- Excreting is the last link in whole process of airframe material metabolization, it is one of life activities with the most primary airframe. 排泄是机体物质代谢全过程中的最后一个环节,是机体最基本的生命活动之一。
- Ankyrin repeats, as one of the most common protein motifs, are involved in diverse protein-protein interactions in various life activities. 摘要锚蛋白重复序列模体是生物体内最普遍的蛋白质序列模体之一,在多种细胞活动中主要介导蛋白质与蛋白质的相互作用。
- The information from the Arabidopsis researches will be certainly useful in elucidating the complex life activities of different plant species. 通过拟南芥研究所获得的信息将有助于人类对控制不同植物复杂生命活动机制的认识。
- Medical physiology is a science that studies normal life activities and law of human body,which is characterized by theories and practice. 医学生理学是研究人体正常生命活动及其规律的一门科学,是理论性和实验性很强的学科。
- Saccharide is not only an essential material base for maintaining normal life activities, but also an important biological information molecule. 摘要糖既是维持生命正常运转的重要物质基础,又是重要的生物信息分子。
- Face to life actively,Up everyday,Let sports&optimism driver off cafard. 路是一步一步走出来得,青年运志不闲愁。
- But mainer reason is Japanese city female chose single way of life actively. 但更重要的原因是日本都市女性主动选择了单身生活方式。
- Informative metabolism is an adavanced display of life informative evolution and the inherence of life, and foster all kinds of life activities yet. 信息代谢是生命信息进化的高级表现,也是生命的本质;它蕴育着各种生命活动。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。