- library user studies 读者研究
- Currently the library user is witnessing the large-scale substitution of microfilm and microfiche version for older and less durable works. 目前,图书馆用户发现大量缩微胶卷和平片已成为古老而不易保存的著作的代用品。
- This is a quiet study area, please respect other library user and keep noise to a minimum. 这是一个安静的学习场所,请尊重其他在图书馆的人并把声音控制在最小的范围之内。
- Just next to the STM32 firmware library user manual Chinese translation version of the way the turn. 刚下到的STM32固件库使用手册的中文翻译版,顺便转过来了.
- Keeping abreast of user studies in disciplines related to art history will help us understand and provide better service to the non-specialist patron. 跟上在学科的使用者研究与艺术史有关将帮助我们为非专家读者瞭解和提供更好的服务。
- Your local library intends to improve its service and facilities. As a regular library user, please write a letter to the chief librarian, offering your proposals. 题目译文:您当地的图书馆计划改进其服务和设施。作为图书馆的一名常客,请给馆长写一封信,提出你的建议。
- "Technology and library users: LITA experts identify trends to watch." 1999. 以图书馆为焦点而不以用户为焦点的服务方式将会越来越不适用.
- EDP:we're doing a user study for the installation of the new micros. 电子数据处理部:我们正在进行一项安装新微机的用户调研。
- Analysis the necessariness and the property of college library user education,discusses the specific method that carries out the lever user education according to user indormation demand. 分析网络环境下高校图书馆开展用户教育的必要性的特性,探讨针对用户信息需求进行层次性用户教育的具体方法。
- A subject approach is what the majority of library users employ in seeking information. 大多数用户查找情报时都使用主题法。
- USA Patriot Act passed in 2001 has direct influences on library users, and weakened library privacy protection. 2001年出台的《爱国者法案》直接影响到图书馆用户的隐私权,弱化了图书馆用户的隐私保护。
- The Library will publicize its new books here. Your comments are also welcome. In certain groups, entries may be added by all Library users. [藏书阁]将在此向各位发布本馆的最新消息。在指定位置,各读者可对我们的报导作出评价,或发表自己的意见和书评。
- The inadequacies and vagaries of these two outdated schemes have bewildered and frustrated generations of library users. 这两种过时的分类法,其缺陷与莫测高深之处迷惑困扰着历代图书馆用户。
- Noise, disturbance or unseemly behaviour is prohibited, including abusive or threatening behaviour to Library staff or to other Library users. 噪音干扰或不当行为,禁止虐待或威胁的行为,包括对图书馆工作人员或其他图书馆用户。
- Each aspect of a use situation can be represented as a model, and those models can be created from the user study data organised with DIF. 用户使用情景的每一个特征都能被一个模型表述,那些模型能使用DIF组织的用户研究数据来创建。
- Technology and Library Users: LITA Expers Identify Trends to Watch. 1999, Http://www. lita. org/committee/toptech/trendsmw99. htm. 毕强;钱刚.;90年代信息管理技术构架的新焦点:信息集成与采掘
- Library users have undergone many new changes with network environment development, and the library is also facing unprecedented severe challenges. 网络环境给图书馆的用户发生了许多新的变化,同时也使图书馆面临着前所未有的严峻的挑战。
- The facilitator explains the purpose and process of the user study, obtains the user's informed consent, and presents the user study tasks one by one. 这个人移动纸片,写下电脑反馈,通常做每件事的结果就像真的计算机要做的那样。
- Does it add more rules to your bulging book of library rules, procedures and guidelines? The more rules you make the more quickly library users will turn you off. 它是否给你正在膨胀的图书馆规章、手续和方针手册增加了更多内容?规章越多,会让图书馆用户离开的越快。
- Librarians and library users have been wishing for simple access from bibliographic indexes to the text of the articles since the first index rolled off a printing press. 从最初的索引从印刷机印出开始 ,图书馆和图书馆用户就期望简单地从书目索引直接获取一次文献。