- Look at the type library header files (. Tlh and. Tli). 查看类型库头文件(.;tlh和
- library header file 库标题文件
- Include the header file in the source file. 将头文件包括在源文件中。
- The header file was moved to "%2". 头文件已移动到“%252”。
- The DBTools header file, dbtools. H, lists the entry points to the DBTools library and defines required data types. DBTools头文件dbtools.;h列出DBTools库的入口点并定义需要的数据类型。
- Look for your own library SDL library, header files and so on. 请自行寻找SDL库的库、头文件等等。
- Gets or sets the size, in bytes, of the header file. 获取和设置头文件的大小,以字节为单位。
- Causes the preprocessor to process the specified header file. 此选项使预处理器处理指定的头文件。
- Don't define entities with linkage in a header file. 不要在头文件中定义具有链接的实体。
- Provides a comment in the header file for the member variable. 提供成员变量头文件中的注释。
- Class header file, scrolled to the start of the class declaration. 类的头文件,滚动到类声明的开头。
- Sets the name of the header file for the new object's class. 为新对象的类设置头文件的名称。
- The new header files do not have the. H extension. 新的头文件没有.;h扩展名。
- A list of the header files can be found in the. 中可以找到头文件列表。
- We start by including the necessary header files. 我们首先要包含必要的头文件.
- Visual Studio generates a new header file but does not add it to the project. Visual Studio生成一个新的头文件,但不将其添加到项目。
- The header file must be in the include path or part of the current project. 头文件必须位于包含路径中或者是当前项目的一部分。
- The names defined in the library have namespace scope (7.3). A C++ translation unit (2.1) obtains access to these names by including the appropriate standard library header (16.2). 在标准库中定义的名字具有名字空间作用域(7.;3)。C++编译单元(2
- This sample exports functions with the types defined in the header file. 此示例使用头文件中定义的类型导出函数。
- Usage of each function is described in detail in the header file comments. 在头文件注释中详细介绍了每一函数的用法。