- The present experiment investigated whether the processing of pronouns is affected by the lexical frequency of their antecedents. 采用眼动分析法考察先行词词频对代词加工的影响。
- He varied the transmission frequency. 他变换了无线电传送的频率。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- Natural lexical frequency 自然词频
- lexical frequency 词汇频率
- The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer. 扫描程序有时又把它称为词法分析程序。
- Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years. 近年来死亡事故发生的频率已经下降。
- Lexical Frequency Profile 词频概貌测试
- The lexical semantics thereby become their core. 在这裹,语义词典成了核心中的核心。
- Gets the root lexical scope for the current method. 获取当前方法的根词法范围。
- We can often correlate age with frequency of illness. 年龄的大小往往与发病率有关。
- Of word variations signaling lexical relationships. 表明词法关系。
- Accidents on that highway are happening with increasing frequency. 那条高速公路上车祸发生得越来越频繁。
- The parent lexical scope of the current scope. 当前范围的父词法范围。
- The enclosing lexical scope of the current scope. 当前范围的封闭词法范围。
- The start offset of the current lexical scope. 当前词法范围的起始偏移量。
- The English lexical database project. 即英文词法数据库项目。
- Closes the current lexical scope. 关闭当前词法范围。
- The actual lexical database files. 词法数据库文件。
- The method that contains the current lexical scope. 包含当前词法范围的方法。