- Methods: With priming experiment under tachistoscopic visual half-field technique, fourty-eight subjects performed the lexical decision task. 方法:采用半视野速示术,对南京几所高校的48名英语专业硕士研究生进行语义启动实验研究。
- Constraints of lexical tones on semantic activation on the recognition of spoken words in Chinese were investigated in three cross-modal priming lexical decision experiments. 摘要进行了三个跨通道启动词汇判断实验,探讨汉语听觉词汇加工中声调信息对语义激活的制约作用。
- In this phonological-priming study, Chinese-speaking participants made lexical decision to disyllabic visual targets after hearing monosyllabic or disyllabic prime words. 在本研究当中,使用国语的受试者在听过单音节或双字词的促发刺激后,对双字的视觉目标刺激进行词汇判断。
- In Experiments 1A and 1B, lexical decision responses were faster when the monosyllabic primes corresponded to the first syllables of the disyllabic targets than when they did not. 实验1A和1B发现,如果单音节的促发刺激和双字词目标刺激的词首音节相同,那麽词汇判断的反应会比两者不同时要来得快。
- In Experiment 2, lexical decision responses were faster when the disyllabic primes were identical to the disyllabic targets than when the prime-target pairs shared nothing in common. 在实验2当中,当双字词促发刺激和双字词目标相同时,反应时间会比两者完全不同时来得快;
- affective lexical decision tasks 情感词汇判定任务
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- His decision is made us feeling regretful. 他的决定令人感到遗憾。
- The panel brought in a unanimous decision. 全体陪审员一致通过了一项决定。
- It is imperative that we make a quick decision. 我们要尽快做出决定。
- Please elucidate the reasons for your decision. 请把你作出决定的理由解释清楚。
- The final decision rests with him. 最后决定取决于他。
- A decision on this matter is pending. 此事即将作出决定。
- They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。
- The decision depended on the toss of a coin. 那项决定是靠掷硬币的方法做出的。
- The decis was made by my predecessor . 那一决定是我的前任作出的.
- We can't reach a decision without our chairman. 主席不在场,我们无法做出决定。
- The jury are unable to reach a unanimous decision. 陪审团未能达成意见一致的裁决。
- The rank and file do not like the decision. 工会普通会员不喜欢这个决定。