- There is a level and smooth grassland in front of that room. 在那屋子的前面有一块平整的草地。
- A child who has just learnt to walk can fall down even on level and smooth ground. 刚刚会走路的小孩子在平正的地面上仍会跌跤。
- The cable rooms inner wall and foundation platform are covered with concrete and sand at 1:25, with 20mm thickness, and the appearance should be level and smooth. 电缆室内壁及基础平台用1:25水泥沙浆抹封,厚度20,表面平整。
- These series of inks are not only feeling fine and smooth, but also of good leveling and printability.The after-treatment on the presswork is feasible, such as punching, drilling, cutting, etc. 该产品色彩细腻,流平性和印刷性非常优秀,后加工适应性也特别理想,如冲压、钻孔、切割等;
- Applications laboratory analysis shows superior performance over traditional laser processing with increased cut quality and speed lower dross levels and smooth spatter free welds. 应用实验分析表明,超高性能超过了传统的激光处理过程,同时提高了切割质量和切割速度,降低了容渣水平,无污染焊接。
- The trader was fat and smooth and quietly smiling. 生意人长得肥胖、机灵,他安静地微笑着。
- Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. 笑逐颜开兮,温润如玉。
- The thread they spin is thin and smooth. 她们纺的线又细又匀。
- Regular and smooth, as the surface of water. 平静有规律的和平滑的,比如水平面
- Hi-grinding force and smooth abrasion. 切削力强,且研磨力均匀。
- A stretch of level and open country; a plain. 原野一片平川和开旷的地域;平原
- The floor was earth but hard and smooth. 虽然是泥地, 倒也坚硬平坦。
- No dewlap.Topline--Level and firm. 背线:水平而坚固。
- Mix and knead until the dough unsticky and smooth. 揉搓至面团不粘手且光滑。
- What is the level and rank you soloed it first? 学生在外国留学、学习外语同时,可亲身体验外国文化。
- Precise and smooth operation, high capacity. 产品精密、运转顺畅、产能高。
- Knead the dough until soft and smooth. 继续搅拌面团至柔软顺滑。
- It is not overtly preachy, but natural and smooth. 天真的另外一重功效是它总能赋予严肃的作品以游戏性,游戏性是我们所在场的世界最宝贵的东西之一。
- The wine is pure and smooth to the palate. 酒味清醇可口。
- It was cartoonish, funny, and smooth. 这是卡通,宠物,并顺利。