- This can be done with project based education, where academics is a byproduct. 这是可以做到的基础教育项目,是一个学者副产品。
- The scale of ordinary higher education is limited by economic development, base education development income level of the residents of urban and rural areas, and the absorbability of the employment. 普通高等教育的规模受经济发展条件制约,受基础教育发展水平制约,受城乡居民收入水平制约, 也受社会对大学毕业生就业吸收能力制约。
- Does a Competency Based Education Training for Vocational Education give Employers what they want? 注重能力培养的职业教育和培训能够真正及雇主之所需吗?
- J.Burke. (ED.)( 1989 )Competency Based Education and Training. London:The Falmer Perss. P101. 石伟平.;比较职业技术教育
- It is said that a locally based education will encourage young people to stay in agriculture. 据说,当地教育将鼓励年轻人从事与农业相关的工作。
- Project base education is empowering students to learn, where the instructor is a coach, a facilitator. 基础教育是提高项目学生学习,而教练是教练,一名调解人。
- Computer Based Education(CBE)is an important research field inthw informational area. CBE research has developed greatly by the research work and persist efforts for many years. 计算机辅助教育是信息时代教育研究的重要内容;经过多年的研究和不懈努力;CBE研究得到了长足发展.
- Computer Based education, i. e. CBE, iseffecting and promoting the change of modern education idea, education structure and educa-tion content comprehensively. 而计算机辅助教育 CBE,将全面影响和推进现代教育思想、教育结构和教育内容的变革。
- Canadian CBE mode is a Competency Based Education, which is suitable for China and a effective system for constructing Chinese higher vocational education mode. 加拿大的CBE模式以能力本位为核心,符合我国的国情,为我国高等职业教育人才的培养模式提供了可借鉴的构建方法。
- The tourism geography courses which strait serve the base education may use if for reference and according as the theory of sustainable development, reform the idea of education, system of subject and teaching content deeply. 直接服务于基础教育的高师旅游地理课程可以此为借鉴,应在可持续发展理论指导下,对其教学思想观念、学科体系框架和学科内容等方面,进行全方位、广角度的改革与创新,以适应21世纪高校对大学生素质教育的需要。
- Perhaps the answer lies in a balanced approach, blended learning, taking the best of each teaching format to create a hybrid teaching platform on which to base education for the 21st century. 也许解决办法就是采取一种均衡的方式,一种混合式教育手段,取各种教学模式之长,创建一个综合性教学平台,以此作为21世纪教育的基础。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。
- We need a mechanical digger to level the ground. 我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
- I hope you'll be on the level with me. 我希望你对我坦率布公。
- She needs to win this point to level the score. 她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。
- Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department. 保持冷静,打电话给消防署。
- A football field should be level. 足球场地应该平坦。
- video- based education materials 电视教材
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- school - based education and research 校本教研