- No prizes for guessing that the region's least populous nation is tiny Liechtenstein, the residents of which number a mere 33,000. 毫无疑问中欧人口最少的国家是列支敦士登,这个微型国家只有三万三千人口。
- less population nationality 人口较少民族
- The Hezhen nationality that has a less population in our country has lived in the Heilong River, the Songhua River and the Wusuli River for a long century. 摘要我国人口比较少的赫哲族,自古就在黑龙江、松花江、乌苏里江三江流域居住。
- China is the most populous nation on earth. 中国是世界上拥有最多人口的国家。
- Movement of people from overcrowded cities to less populated areas. 人口外溢人们从过于拥挤的城市向人口相对稀疏的地区的迁移运动
- These off-hours are just less populated than the primetime hours. 这些休只是人口较少时间比黄金时间.
- The stylistic rules and layout of the genealogical tree of ethnic minorities explained in a few words, registered less population and the age of the first compilation was later. 与汉族家谱相比较,湖南少数民族家谱普遍讳言所出而攀援汉族华胄,同时体例也较为简略,所录丁口不多,首修年代也较晚。
- But the wind has been taken taking that cloud north to all the towards less population populated areas. 但是 风将烟云带向北方人口较少的地区。
- AIDS is about to explode in the world's most populous nations. 爱滋病将在全球人口最多的国家爆发。
- Leaders of the world's most populous nation have issued orders to build or refurbish 1,000 museums by 2010. 这个世界人口第一大国的领导人已经表示要在2010年前建设或翻新1,000家博物馆。
- It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。
- It’s an exciting an excellent thing to let China, the most populous nation in the wold, to understand Olympic Spirit. 我们知道奥林匹克精神是互相了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神。
- Trophy-hunting schemes have worked in less populated bits of Namibia and Zimbabwe, but some doubt they would work in Kenya. 以狩猎获取战利品的计划在人口有限的纳米比亚与津巴布韦就进行得非常成功,但有些人还是担心该计划在肯尼亚将不可行。
- Iceland was the least populous country to win an Olympic medal. 在获得奖牌的国家中,冰岛是人口最少的。
- Simply put, no organization can rightly call itself global if it does not include the world's most populous nation. 简单地说,如果不包括这个全世界具有最多人口的国家,没有一个组织可以问心无愧地说自己是全球性的组织。
- Rogge says China's role as Olympic host has opened a window to the world's most populous nation. 罗格说,中国做为奥运会的东道国,打开了全球人口最多国家的窗口。
- The writer believes that the Sibo language, with lesser population using it, as sumes a degenerating trend under linguistic and environmental pressures, which m erits attention. 认为作为使用人口较少的锡伯语,在强势语言环境的压力下渐呈颓势,应引起人们的注意。
- Most of their travels are in the west as the indigenous cultures are handling the movement in other places less populated by the white human race. 他们绝大部份旅行是在西方,因为土著文化正在处理其它较少有白人种族居住的地方的流程。
- Many companies are expanding in China to take advantage of lower costs and to gain market share in the world's most populous nation. ( 很多公司正在中国拓展,利用较低的成本,以及在全球人口最多的国家里增加市场占有率。
- President Eric Ng attended a press conference to ask the NYPD to relocate their headquarters to a less populated location. 伍锐贤主席出席一个记者会,要求纽约市警察局将在华埠附近的警察总局迁移到另一个人口不密集的地点。