- The singer got a ten-minute standing ovation. 观众起立向那位歌手鼓掌达十分钟。
- lengthy standing ovation 全体起立、热烈鼓掌
- The show won a standing ovation. 这场演出赢得全场起立鼓掌。
- He got the longest standing ovation I had ever seen. 他受到了我所见到的最长时间的起立鼓掌欢迎。
- He gets a standing ovation as he moves off stage. 他离开舞台时,全体观众起立热烈鼓掌。
- Her comments earned a50- second standing ovation. 演讲完毕,全场起立鼓掌五十秒之久。
- The performance received a standing ovation. 是热烈欢迎,热烈鼓掌。也经常用来形容一场演出结束之后受到观众热烈欢迎。
- This? Performer received a standing ovation. 这位演员获得全场观众起立欢呼。
- There was a long standing ovation. 全体起立,长时间鼓掌。
- Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation. 梅纽因表演伴随着15分钟长时间起立鼓掌。
- He got the longest stand ovation I have ever seen. 他受到了我所见到的最长时间的起立鼓掌欢迎。
- When host and guest appeared, they received a standing ovation. 宾主走进来进大家都起立鼓掌。
- We finished the recital by receiving a standing ovation. 我们接受了大家的起立鼓掌,以此结束了这次演奏会。
- The orchestra received a rapturous standing ovation. 乐团受到了人们起立发出的热烈欢迎。
- The singer got a standing ovation at the end of her performance. 这位歌手的表演结束时,获得全场观众起立为她鼓掌。
- I got a standing ovation and many more days of work. 他们长时间起立为我鼓掌,我又多得到了几天的工作。
- The actors received a standing ovation for their performance. 演员们因为他们得演出而受到观众得起立鼓掌。
- Wang left with two outs in the seventh to a standing ovation. 小民在第七局两人出局的情况下离场,全场起立欢呼致意。
- Amid a standing ovation in the House of Commons, Tony Blair left the chamber. 在一阵长时间的掌声中,布莱尔离开了内阁。
- When the orchestra conductor appeared on stage, he received a standing ovation. 那位乐团指挥出现在舞台时,得到全场起立喝采。