- In the past five years,the State Council made 50 legislative proposals and promulgated 150 administrative statutes. 五年间,国务院提出法律议案50件,颁布行政法规150件。
- Chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, Tsang Yok-sing, said the rally showed the legislative proposals had broad su ort. 民建联主席曾钰成表示,是次集会显示立法得到广大市民支持。
- The Panel discussed with the Administration on the legislative proposals to establish the Financial Reporting Council. 事务委员会与政府当局讨论有关成立财务汇报局的立法建议。
- At present, we do not have any plan to re-submit legislative proposals to the Legislative Council LegCo. 我们目前没有计划向立法会重提立法建议。
- Faced with legislative proposals in favour of homosexual unions, Catholic politicians are to take account of the following ethical indications. 面对那些有利于承认同性恋者结合的法律时,公教从政者应注意以下的道德指引。
- Chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, Tsang Yok-sing, said the rally showed the legislative proposals had broad support. 民建联主席曾钰成表示,是次集会显示立法得到广大市民支持。
- In this paper, legislative proposals are put forward for improvement on matrimonial and domestic property system in China. 本文就如何进一步完善婚姻家庭财产制度,提出如下立法建议:逐步建立婚前公证制度;
- Finally, on the norms of our county and township leaders of state organs that the nomination process has made a number of legislative proposals. 最后,本文对规范我国县乡两级国家机关领导人员选举的提名程序提出了若干立法建议。
- Chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, Tsang Yok-sing, said the rally showed the legislative proposals had broad support. 民建联主席曾钰成表示,是次集会显示立法得到广大市民支持。
- The Panel discussed with the Administration on the outcome of the public consultation on the legislative proposals to establish the FRC and related matters. 事务委员会与政府当局讨论有关成立财务汇报局的立法建议的公众谘询结果及相关事宜。
- Public comments received on the consultative document and the recommendations of the Special Committee provided important input towards the formulation of legislative proposals to improve the planning system. 在咨询过程中收到市民对咨询文件的意见,以及特别委员会所提出的建议,为政府拟订改善规划制度的建议,提供了重要的资料。
- Prepare a legislative proposal on mandatory energy efficiency labelling. 制订强制性能源效益标签计划的立法建议。
- This is the fundamental principle behind the whole legislative proposal. 这是整个立法的根本原则。
- Often,the group will call upon the Secretary for Justice to take responsibility,as sponsor and spokesperson,for legislative proposals to be submitted to the Executive and Legislative Councils. 小组通常要求律政司司长向行政会议和立法会提出立法建议,并予以阐释。
- Often, the group will call upon the Secretary for Justice to take responsibility, as sponsor and spokesperson, for legislative proposals to be submitted to the Executive and Legislative Councils. 小组通常要求律政司司长向行政会议和立法会提出立法建议,并予以阐释。
- I have asked the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs to prepare legislative proposals for the election of the Boards (which, in English, will be re-named "District Councils") in time for the election to be held before the end of 1999. 我已促请政制事务局局长为区议会选举拟备立法建议,以便选举能如期在一九九九年年底举行。
- The Legislative Proposal has been incorporated into the official docket for this project. 相关的立法工作已经列入了议事日程。
- While the Panel supported the legislative proposal in general, some members expressed concern about the enforcement problems. 虽然事务委员会整体支持立法建议,但部分委员对执法问题表示关注。
- All other Hon Members of Legislative Council are invited to take part in the discussion of item III which relates to a legislative proposal. 立法会所有其他议员获邀参与项目III的讨论,该项目与立法建议有关。
- The new proposals affect both clergy and laity. 新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。