- First Emperor of the Ming dynasty. 明代第一任皇帝。
- Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty. 长城大部分城墙的建造时间要追溯到明朝。
- The Lilliput and the legend of Lilliput land recurred in the Crown Title of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty with the help of popular fabrication and some unearthed utensils. 小人及小人国传说,借助于民间造伪,一些出土实物,又较多地传扬于明代隆庆年间。
- Jackson is one of the legends of pop music. 杰克逊是流行音乐的传奇人物之一。
- legends of the Ming Dynasty 明传奇
- The fable of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 九、元明清时期寓言。
- The fictional plots of the Legend of Condor Heroes. 故事情节来设计、建造的。
- The legend of the Christmas festival. 圣诞节的传说。
- He told us the legend of the ghostly horseman. 他给我们讲幽灵骑士的传说。
- Do you know the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid? 你知道牛郎和织女的传说吗?
- Legend of a magic flower, to arouse the memory of the deceased. 花香传说有魔力,能唤起死者生前的记忆。
- The legend of king arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry. 亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰。
- The legends of King Arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry. 亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰。
- But Directorate IV battle or The Legend of the "unknown" lost. 但是第四局的决战还是这位传说中的“无名”输掉了。
- And Japan where the ancient legends of the samurai are alive and well. 以及古老的武士道依然生机勃勃的日本。
- On the Poems of the Tang Dynasty in the Legends of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 试论明清传奇中的下场集唐诗
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- There is a great legend of the late Chief Sueb Nakasatien. 而另一些敏感的地区则被严格地分开,限制入内。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。