- The accused was not allowed legal representation. 没有允许被告请律师。
- Right to effective legal representation. 等就间接体现了环境权的内容。
- An person who has been declared incompetent should have legal representation. 宣布不胜任的人应有合法代表权。
- Legal Aid is available to eligible defendants for providing legal representation in committal proceedings. 法律援助处可以为合资格取得法援的被告提供代表律师出席初级侦讯。
- The Duty Lawyer Scheme provides legal representation to virtually all defendants who are charged in the magistracies. 在裁判法院受审的被告,几乎全部都可以获得当值律师计划委派律师代为辩护。
- The same law stipulates that legal representation must be given to suspects if the case is connected to State secrets. 这同一个法律规定如果案例牵涉国家机密的话,合法代表也必须被怀疑。
- Mulcaster looked crapulous and began a confused complaint that he had been denied legal representation and civil rights. 马尔卡斯特看来已经酩酊大醉了,语无伦次地控诉说他被剥夺了合法的陈述权和公民权等等。
- Supply investment, traders, project developers with legal representation by taking part in negotiations and drawing up legal documents. 专项法律顾问:为投资、贸易、项目开发提供法律论证,参与谈判,拟订合同等法律文书。
- Giri Kattel, who was also in the process of seeking his own legal representation, said he was "saddened" by news of the cracks in the group. 这起连锁生意受骗案向华裔经商者敲响了警钟,以后购买生意一定要三思,尤其是在寻求律师及贷款公司方面一定要先搞清楚对方背景。
- While Brian is asked to take a vacation while the sexual harassment suit with Kip is settled, he turns to Melanie for legal representation. 由于基普的起诉,布赖恩被放大假,他找梅勒妮作为自己的律师。
- Mr.Stanford's illness prompted Judge Hittner to put off a hearing on Thursday scheduled to discuss Mr.Stanford's legal representation. 斯坦福的患病促使法官西特纳(Hittner)推迟了原定于周四举行的讨论斯坦福法定代表的听证会。
- Something as valuable as legal representation providing access to justice must be provided ethically and in conformity with existing principles of law and public policy. 提供司法服务的法律代表如斯重要,必须以道德上可行的方式提供,并须符合现有法律原则及公共政策。
- During the trial hearing, guards manhandled and gagged Father Ly to prevent him from challenging the court.The defendants did not have legal representation. 在听审期间,警卫粗暴地对待李神父并以物塞住他的嘴巴,避免他与庭上抗辨,而这些被告并没有法律代理。
- Even in nonsensitive criminal trials, only one of every seven defendants had legal representation, according to credible reports citing internal government statistics. 根据一个引用政府统计的可靠报告显示,即使在一些非敏感的刑事审讯中,只有七分之一的被告有法律代表。
- Fourthly, it is expressly provided that there is to be with no legal representation, from either the investor or the banks, in the mediation or in the arbitration. 第四,明确规定在调解或仲裁中,投资者和银行双方不能聘请律师代理。
- The scheme did not cover legal representations at Review Committee hearings. 该计划并不包括提供法律代表出席覆核委员会聆讯。
- To be eligible for legal representation under the scheme, an applicant has to pass a means test: if his gross annual income does not exceed $127,330, he is eligible for assistance under the scheme. 申请人必须通过经济审查,证明其全年总收入不超过127,330元。
- To be eligible for legal representation under the scheme,an applicant has to pass a means test: if his gross annual income does not exceed $127,330,he is eligible for assistance under the scheme. 为符合该项目法定代表的条件,申请人必须通过经济审查,如果其全年总收入不超过127,330元,那么他才有资格获得该项目的资助。
- However,the Administrator of the Duty Lawyer Service has a discretion to grant legal representation to defendants whose gross annual income exceeds this limit,if she considers that it is in the interests of justice to do so. 不过,当值律师服务总干事基于维护公义的原则,可酌情决定安排代表律师,为超出收入上限的被告辩护。
- Given these protections and the existence of a regulation requiring the agency to resolve all doubts in favor of the claimant, the Court concluded that no constitutional right to legal representation was necessary. 考虑到上述这些保障和要求行政机构以有利于申请人的方式解决一切疑点的条例的存在,最高法院作出结论,没必要涉及法律代理的宪法权利。